Rick Astley

You can't help but feel sorry for people who live in a musical box of ignorance. It's everyone's right to ignore, just its a shame they don't realize how good the weather is on the outside.
Oh, I've tried over the years to open people's eyes, but all they see in music is a mean to fuck other people either directly (i.e. disco) or indirectly (that gurl listan'z to thez sheet, Imma liztenin' to it too!)... such a shame. Well, live and let live, it's your loss brother.
^. I use to try and turn people all the time; play people who've strayed off into awful music territory and say "can't you hear how much this belts?". Don't bother anymore though, I'd rather spend more time finding more belting music for myself haha. You win some and you lose some. I remember when I used to try and get heaps of people into Opeth during the peak of my fanboy stage, nowdays I cbf, especially with the bands I obsess over atm. lol at trying to get people with no metal/rock background into Deathspell Omega. I played a guy who listens to dance/electropop Fas, he's like wtf is this noise how is so much happening at once :lol:. He can't keep up with the belting, brain's not ready for being dominated so hard so fast :lol:. Though I did manage to get him into The Knife, which is much better than the dreadful electropop he was listening to before hand.
I have only managed to introduce bands I like to people who already have a pretty good base music taste. Let the MTV idiots or whatever listen to what the fucking ever they want. I don't care.
We at /b/ have set our imacros to run a loop repeatedly voting for him. I've gotten a few thousand in at the least.

Too bad for you that the good folks at UG started it. I just don't want you to think that 4chan started this epic win.
What a shitty voting system, setting it up so that an IP address can vote as many times as a person wants to. On the other hand, I think this is hilarious and I hope Astley wins since he's no worse than any of those other acts mentioned.
He'd probably win even if they change the voting system to something that doesn't allow multiples per IP, those /b/ nerds would figure out some other way around it and I'm pretty sure the Rickroll crowd is more motivated and all around larger than most of the other groups' online fanbases, haha. If he gets disqualified it would be totally bogus.