Rick Astley to be denied 'Best Act Ever' award; MTV remains irrelevant

The Ozzman

Melted by feels
Sep 17, 2006
In My Kingdom Cold

It’s currently T-Minus 6 hours until MTV’s Europe Music Awards and I’m sorry to have to be the bearer of bad news but… Rick Astley will not be picking up his Best Act Ever award.

It’s not that he didn’t win, he totally won - My sources reveal that he received about 95% of the votes for the Best Act Ever category and about 80% of the votes for the entire ceremony. My sources also revealed that MTV didn’t want to give him the award at the ceremony instead wanting to present it at some other time.

As Richard Godfrey, Senior Vice President, Music and Production & Executive Producer, MTV Europe Music Awards said:

“This surprise nomination truly demonstrates that the MTV Europe Music Awards is the most democratically selected Awards show there is”

Yeah, I don’t know how your version of democracy differs from mine Richard, but refusing to give someone an award they won at the show you’re representing is pretty far removed from what could be considered democratic.

So what was Rick’s response to not being allowed to collect his award at the ceremony?

I don’t know what the actual quote was, but I’m assuming it was something like “Tell them to go get stuffed”

… I probably would have used more colourful language.

So as far as I’m aware, neither Rick or any of his representatives will be going to pick up his award. I don’t know what this means, if they are going to give it to someone else or if the award presenter will do a fake “I’m going to accept this on his behalf”

Personally, I’ve got nothing but more respect for Rick now. MTV gave him up and let him down, and he said “That’s not my style” and told them to get fucked.

Kudos Rick, I salute you.

I think it would be hilarious if he actually would accept the award via satellite feed and played a Rickroll instead.