Ridiculous headline to this article - is metal to be blamed for this al Qaeda fella?


Jan 20, 2002
"the flower & willow world"
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Gee, which band will garner the majority of the hate for this one?
Sabbath? Maiden? Slayer?

California Metal Fan Crosses To Even Darker Side, Revealed As al-Qaida Terror Advocate

Posted on Friday, July 14, 2006 at 10:48:00

WorldNetDaily (www.wnd.com) has issued the following exclusive:

The former California heavy metal music fan turned al-Qaida leader had his Islamic conversion testimonial featured on the official website of the University of Southern California's Muslim Students Association for 11 years before he was revealed as a terror advocate last week.

Yahiye Adam Gadahn's story of "Becoming Muslim" was removed from the USC website shortly after he appeared in an al-Qaida video a week ago. But a cached version is still available through the Internet archiving system called the Wayback Machine.

The MSA pages on the USC site attempt to portray Islam as a misunderstood religion of peace.

Gadahn disappeared from California seven years ago. But based on a voice analysis of al-Qaida tapes, the FBI concluded he was the unmasked, bearded and turban-wearing spokesman on the July 7 tape.

On the video, he denounced U.S. soldiers in Iraq and claimed they had murdered and raped Iraqi civilians.

"Who are the real terrorists?" he asked.

He also seemed to advocate the killing of Marines back in his old home state.

"It's hard to imagine that any compassionate person could see pictures… and not want to go on a shooting spree at the Marines' housing facilities at Camp Pendleton," he said.

The video was broadcast by the Arabic-language, state-financed television network al-Jazeera.

Gadahn is wanted in connection with possible terrorist threats against the U.S., according to the FBI.

"Although the FBI has no information indicating this individual is connected to any specific terrorist activities, the FBI would like to locate and question this person," a statement on the agency's website says.

According to his testimonial for USC's MSA, penned back in 1995, Gadahn was raised on a California goat farm and homeschooled by non-Muslim parents, though his father was a halal butcher who supplied a local Islamic market with meat.

Gadahn describes being turned off to Christianity during his contact with other homeschooled children.

"Setting aside the blind dogmatism and charismatic wackiness, it was quite a shock to me when I realized that these people, in their prayers, were actually praying TO JESUS," he wrote. He said he could not accept that Jesus was God -- a part of what Christians believe is the Trinity.

Gadahn describes his obsession with "demonic heavy metal music.

"My entire life was focused on expanding my music collection," he wrote. "I eschewed personal cleanliness and let my room reach an unbelievable state of disarray. My relationship with my parents became strained, although only intermittently so. I am sorry even as I write this."

Gadahn says he was fascinated by prophecy teachings on Christian radio – particularly those that focused their attention on the "Islamic threat." He began studying Islam online.

"As I began reading English translations of the Quran, I became more and more convinced of the truth and authenticity of Allah's teachings contained in those 114 chapters," he wrote. "Having been around Muslims in my formative years, I knew that they were not bloodthirsty, barbaric terrorists that the news media and the televangelists paint them to be."

He said in November 1995, he went to the Islamic Society of Orange County in Garden Gove and told the librarian he wanted to become a Muslim.

At the society, Gadahn was tutored by Muzammil H. Siddiqi, former president of the Islamic Society of North America.

Gadahn allegedly traveled to Pakistan and Afghanistan to train at al-Qaida camps following his conversion while attending the Islamic Society of Orange County. Siddiqi is head of the mosque there.

As WND reported, Congress called for a review of the financial records of the Islamic Society of North America, or ISNA, as part of a post-9-11 investigation into alleged ties between tax-exempt Muslim organizations and terrorist groups.

Most of the videotape released last week starring Gadahn focuses on the London bombings and revealed that two of the suicide bombers received explosives training at al-Qaida camps. It includes footage of men mixing explosives and carrying out demolitions.

The video also contained recent clips of Osama bin Laden and Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, who was killed by U.S. troops in Iraq last month.

Last year, Gadahn appeared in another al-Qaida video that seemed to be a command to sleeper agents to attack nuclear power plants inside the U.S.

He was also linked to another 20055 video that warned of attacks on Los Angeles.
SoundMaster said:
Gee, which band will garner the majority of the hate for this one?
Sabbath? Maiden? Slayer?

The former California heavy metal music fan turned al-Qaida leader ...

I don't think any metal bands will get blamed. There's been enough non-metalheads converted to al-Q's way of thinking to focus on just the Metal aspect of his story. I hope not anyway.
carnut said:
I think he only converted to get cheaper gas :lol:


It's an American extreme right-wing christian conspiracy to descredit metal by mixing it with Al-Qaeda...of course the fundamentalist Muslims believe is an American extreme right-wing christian conspiracy to descredit Al-Qaeda :heh:

*sorry couldn't help to make a distasteful joke*

NP: Saint Vitus - 'The Lost Feeling'
I hope he falls into a pig stye and gets trampled into unciousness.

While he lies there...I hope a bunch of pig shit seeps into his open wounds and begins to fester.

I hope he then wakes up and staggers around in a fog, only to have his legs shattered by some rocks tumbling down a mountain.

As he lies there, knowing he is dying...I hope a wild pig comes by and pisses on him.

And as he draws his final breath...I hope the last thing he sees is the American soldier standing over him about to put a bullet in his head while humming the chorus to "Damage, Inc."

That's my two cents...and fuck any idiots who try to equate this piece of garbage's treason to Metal in any way, shape or form.

I remember seeing this guy at a Morbid Angel show at the Shack in Anaheim, CA, as well as a few other Metal shows.

USMC0341 said:
I hope he falls into a pig stye and gets trampled into unciousness.

While he lies there...I hope a bunch of pig shit seeps into his open wounds and begins to fester.

I hope he then wakes up and staggers around in a fog, only to have his legs shattered by some rocks tumbling down a mountain.

As he lies there, knowing he is dying...I hope a wild pig comes by and pisses on him.

And as he draws his final breath...I hope the last thing he sees is the American soldier standing over him about to put a bullet in his head while humming the chorus to "Damage, Inc."

That's my two cents...and fuck any idiots who try to equate this piece of garbage's treason to Metal in any way, shape or form.


You tell it my brother !!!

If someone disagrees with the war in Iraq, that is one thing.

Someone who waqnts to support an organization that is responsible for flying two jumbo jets into skyscrapers is something else.

I say, give me a Louseville Slugger and a misdimeanor charge and I will take care of that piece of shit for a human being. A bullet is too good for him.

Bryant said:
... A bullet is too good for him.


Depends where you put it. Personally, he gets a shot to the balls first, THEN a mercy shot to the head, only after he's suffered a good amount. If the gun jams, then he just has to bleed to death :heh:

Come on now. We all know metal is the reason for all that is wrong with the world. :Smug:

Unbelievable, why would they even mention anything about the music this guy listened to? Only when it's metal, do they bring it up. You never hear a newscast and they say "Man arrested for killing his whole family and they found a Celine Dion CD in his radio." :err:

That guy is a pethetic excuse for a human being though.
SavaRon said:
"Man arrested for killing his whole family and they found a Celine Dion CD in his radio." :err:

And that would make me homicidal!

I bet that if the guy is Al-Qaeda and listen to rap or hip-hop they wouldn't have brought it either.

Metal is still a stigma :erk: , but true metalheads carry the badge with honor

NP: Lacuna Coil - 'Daylight Dancer'
We had better subdue him before the situation gets out of hand. We cannot allow such a conductor of terrorism to continue to threat the freedoms we enjoy so much.

Just like the Rosenbergs.
There are exactly five stories on a Google News search for his name associated with "metal". There are about 10 stories when searching for his name alone. That's not even a blip of a blip of a blip. One particular story even paints it as him giving up metal to pursue his religion, using his own words:

"Gadahn has arguably the most unusual background of any known al-Qaida operative. Raised in Central California on a goat farm, Gadahn later wrote in a diary posted on the Internet that as a teenager he became “obsessed with demonic heavy metal music, something the rest of my family (as I now realize, rightfully so) was not happy with. My entire life was focused on expanding my music collection. I eschewed personal cleanliness and let my room reach an unbelievable state of disarray.” "

The link to the story is here.

More than anything, this looks like Blabbermouth making a mountain out of a mole hill. Aren't they supposed to kinda be on our side?