Riff Bandz

I am lost for words:lol:
I presume this is the same crowd that has the "riff grip" shit.

Look out for their next release. It's going to be an elasticated strap that wraps around your foot and connects to the floor so you can build up speed for quickly changing channels on your amp and turning effects on and off.

EDIT: When I said "riff grip" I meant "grip master"
I am lost for words:lol:
I presume this is the same crowd that has the "riff grip" shit.

Look out for their next release. It's going to be an elasticated strap that wraps around your foot and connects to the floor so you can build up speed for quickly changing channels on your amp and turning effects on and off.

EDIT: When I said "riff grip" I meant "grip master"

I used to play around with those things on the way to class. They're not bad, definitely made my fingers stronger, but they didn't simulate actually changing strings or playing scales up a fretboard. Worth the ten bucks that they cost me, though.
My legato technique isn't the best, I'm pretty sure it's because my fingers aren't strong enough to pull off a note. Stuff like this has helped out, at least in my experience it did.
My legato technique isn't the best, I'm pretty sure it's because my fingers aren't strong enough to pull off a note. Stuff like this has helped out, at least in my experience it did.

you shouldn't need alot of strength, I broke my arm pretty bad 4 years ago, everything got fucked
(leftarm) I even had to learn to write again and had problems holding a pen for more than a few minutes
because my fingers weren't strong enough (they were forced in a strict decision for over 4 weeks
I could only move them a bit for 2 more weeks) but in the end I still was able to even play legato style
stuff on my bass.
As long as your guitar is setup nice and you have a good technique it's not about strength, just
watch the videos of all the little kids playing fast stuff and so on, I am pretty sure their fingers aren't
very strong at all.

The only reason for me to use a device like this is to get used to spread your fingers wide.
you shouldn't need alot of strength, I broke my arm pretty bad 4 years ago, everything got fucked
(leftarm) I even had to learn to write again and had problems holding a pen for more than a few minutes
because my fingers weren't strong enough (they were forced in a strict decision for over 4 weeks
I could only move them a bit for 2 more weeks) but in the end I still was able to even play legato style
stuff on my bass.
As long as your guitar is setup nice and you have a good technique it's not about strength, just
watch the videos of all the little kids playing fast stuff and so on, I am pretty sure their fingers aren't
very strong at all.

The only reason for me to use a device like this is to get used to spread your fingers wide.

Hmmmm...I recall a Paul Gilbert video saying that the reason your first two fingers are so fast and adept to playing is because they're strong and your third and fourth fingers don't have the same strength. I'm not saying I'm right and you're wrong but with my pinkie especially I notice that it's not as strong as the other fingers. As far as finger strength goes I don't feel it's quite the same as others. It's not quite grip strength, honestly, what do you use your fingers for? Typing's probably the only one I can think of where I use my fingers for on a regular basis. I guess I use them in other situations, but typing, guitar/bass, and keys are the only things that I exclusively use my fingers for. I mean I use them to grab things, but that's more of my hands rather than just my fingers.
I think the problem is that you are not used to it, sure your first two fingers are always stronger, but that's not
all, they're also used to move in different ways and so on, the strength isn't the real problem.
For example, try to type just with your ring finger and your pinkie, it's pretty strange, but after a few hours you
get used to it, the fingers won't be stronger at all after that time, but they're used to the moves, it takes a bit
more time on the guitar, but try to play strange chords, spread your fingers, play hammer ons and pull offs with
your two weaker fingers. Don't force them too hard, you don't have to press the strings very hard.
Isn't getting used to the movement the same thing as building finger strength? I also think that's what products are for, just building muscle memory.
na, it isn't the same, think of getting used of strange movements with your arm, you just get used to it
over time, but your arm won't get stronger like it will get when you work out or something similar, a few
muscles may get stronger, but just a tiny bit and if you reduce that example down to the size of your
finger, it won't be that much ;)

sorry, no way how to explain this better in English, would be easier in German.