Riffs like those on "Lawless Darkness"?


May 16, 2004
I know Watain gets shit on a lot but I really like the riffs they use on this album (it's also present on some of their other albums but not pulled off quite as well IMO). I want to say it's kind of punk-y? I'm having trouble putting my finger on what it is exactly but I think it's often a slightly slower pace with the power chords (letting them ring out more) + abrasive but not dissonant melodies and a relentless, churning sound. More than anything though it's just a certain feel. It's similar in effect to the kind of thing that I hear often in punk riffs.

Destroyer 666, Nifelheim and some of the other black/thrash bands come close often but usually it's not quite in that same sweet spot. DMDS has it to a certain degree as well throughout.
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