Right Doon The Front!!!!

Mad Dan McCafferty

Don't Get Mad,Get Waysted
Oct 6, 2004
who out there gets down the front for a gig, jumps about and screams stupid for two hours then heads home soked to the skin in sweat? or are you a stand at the back and watch person? The only time I've ver stood & watched a Saxon gig was when that bunch of imposters supported Dio a few years ago, Oliver/Dawson. I remember walking in and thinking I know that song, then my mate said, hey Saxon are the support!! I looked at the stage No Biff, No Saxon just a cheap tribute band if anything and we headed to the bar!!!
Im kinda both...sometimes its great being right at the front in all the mayhem! And sometimes i like to step back a bit and watch, i guess it depends on the band and what kind of stage show or pyro etc they have
Down fromt for me ,no pain no gain.The best gigs i have been down the front were:

New Model Army
Levellers every fucking time was meyhem
in fact most gigs are great down front I have to admit its hard work now days and at festivals i always stay middleish.
I prefer to stand back and watch the band now with a beer if possible. Far more civilized! I came out of a Pogues concert at Manchester once with little cuts around my eyes and a chunk bitten out of my ear and I never felt a thing at the time. It was mental but good fun.
For me, its at the front of the stage.

You go to the bar more than a couple of times and line your ciders up at the front of the stage. You shake your head to the music and drink, the only time you have to leave is for a p!ss....
Down the front for the pogues that is hardcore.I was down front for a new model army gig once and i dont think there was a part of my body that didnt have some kinda mark on it.
When I was younger I like dto be in front, jumping, moshing, whatever. But now I prefere to see and enjoy the show, not just headbang and get dizzy :lol:, so being in the back relaxing and enjoting the show is a plus these days.
I usually try to get to the front myself :rock:

It depends how crushed i get i suppose.
I once saw Motorhead at Hammersmith (back in 1995), i was at the front during the suporting act, and i got so crushed (there nuts down there in london) some people got pushed over the front railings e.t.c So before Motorhead came on i pushed my way through to near the back. It was a scary experience. :erk:
I find it hard to recover @ 37, but it still has to be down the front. I have officially retired from crowd surfing now though.

*Wilks the Levellers, they are top draw, saw them play an acoustic set last year it still went mental!
Always always always right doon the front for me in front of the barrier, or in some cases just right in front of the stage. Usually close enough for me to reach out and touch the band if I wanted to. The last couple of concerts I went to at the Carling Academy for one reason or another we got there a wee bity late and ended up halfway back and I swear those concerts weren't a patch on the ones when you're right up close and personal.

I'm seeing Motorhead + Girlschool at The Carling in Nov, so whatever it takes, I'm right doon the front for that one, that is going to be one blistering concert. I'm definitely getting there couple hours before the doors open, and I wouldn't mind getting backstage at that one either. Will need to think of some sort of plan.
I knew those words 'right doon the front' would end up haunting me, because when i took my wife to see korn the other day thats exactly where she wanted to be, it was a bloody great gig but i came home feeling like i had the shit beaten out of me...Nothing a few beers didnt cure tho!