Right Hand Technique (Classical Technique)


and his imaginary friend
Mar 4, 2005
Just wondering about some good ways of exercising my right hand technique for finger picking on classical guitar, and simple ways of remembering to hold it in the right position.

I'm holding my classical guitar right now, trying to play Andante IV by Fernando Sor, and I'm getting it for the most part, but now I'm just having some right hand problems.
If there's any way you could send me the a pdf file or scan of the sheet music, or a tab, I'd be happy to give you specifics for that song.

As far as general technique things go, is it an issue of not being sure which right hand fingers to use or is it the technique itself that is getting you?
I just want to know if there are any good exercises for making my fingers on my right hand more controllable, and easier to direct, That's all. My only problem right now is being able to get my right hand to do what I want it to do, without losing its proper positioning.
I just want to know if there are any good exercises for making my fingers on my right hand more controllable, and easier to direct, That's all. My only problem right now is being able to get my right hand to do what I want it to do, without losing its proper positioning.

I suggest picking up Frederick Noads "Solo Guitar Playing Vol. 1". It's one of the books we use in my classical technique class. It doesn't organize the material very well but the material itself is very good. If you have powertab, an email, and aren't in too much of a rush, I could also send you some of the exersises that i use (most of which are based on stuff in the Noad book or some of Giulliani's material)
That would be awesome.

And I've narrowed my problem down to a lack of cooperation from my index finger. It seems to just want to let my middle finger do all the work and it feels almost like it's completely dead. O.o
Practice Segovia's Major / Minor Scales in all recommended ways and start with Emilio Pujol's Method. That'll teach you proper classical guitar from the start, you really do need a good teacher to get you on the right path though.