RIP Dime

I feel like giving you money or something, just to help the pain of realizing your terrible, terrible mistake :erk:
I'm assuming I never showed this either.


awesome man!
I wished I'd have an nevermore tattoo :OMG: :cool:

he was an awesome guy :kickass:
I feel like giving you money or something, just to help the pain of realizing your terrible, terrible mistake :erk:

Man Swabs, you're all cool for a while then you go and post shit like that.

Liver did what he wanted and did it because he loved (loves) it.

Who are we to decide what someone will or will not regret?

Also all tattoos are poop; sag as the skin does.
pantera were a bunch of hair metal sell out faggots who only stopped playing hair metal cause they figured they could make more money by dumbing down thrash. they did nothing for metal except inspire countless numetal bands and convince losers and morons that metal is all about drinking beer and hanging out with their buddies

dimebag was a mediocre guitarist who never wrote a single decent riff in his entire career. but its ok, he got what was coming to him. rip dickfag

pantera were a bunch of hair metal sell out faggots who only stopped playing hair metal cause they figured they could make more money by dumbing down thrash. they did nothing for metal except inspire countless numetal bands and convince losers and morons that metal is all about drinking beer and hanging out with their buddies

dimebag was a mediocre guitarist who never wrote a single decent riff in his entire career. but its ok, he got what was coming to him. rip dickfag
