RIP James Gandolfini...

The Soprano's was pretty good when it came out, that and Oz, back then those were the first couple shows I actually got into where it seemed like you were watching a big budget on going movie, now every show is like that.
IMDB lists 51 titles under him as an actor since 1987, and when he dies, everybody just talks about how overrated they thought The Sopranos was. my heart goes out to him...

RIP. definitely did not expect this to happen, 51 is way too young an age.
The Sopranos revolutionized television so it's hard to concede it as overrated. In 1999 there was nothing like it in terms of long form movie quality writing, acting and content on TV. Before that crime dramas looked like the shows your Grandma watches (Law and Order, NYPD blue). It started the trend of bad guys as protagonists in TV drama (SoA, Breaking Bad, Dexter, etc.). It also sparked the trend of premium channels creating shows that drove subscriptions and created a sort of drama arms race between HBO and Showtime (and later AMC and FX on the basic cable side).
Gandolfini did a spectacular job creating a character that you could both root for and be disgusted by. The reason why people talk about that over his other work is that it spanned a decade and created one of the most iconic characters in pop culture.
I wish the best for his wife and kids. He was a talented guy and died too young.
The Sopranos revolutionized television so it's hard to concede it as overrated. In 1999 there was nothing like it in terms of long form movie quality writing, acting and content on TV. Before that crime dramas looked like the shows your Grandma watches (Law and Order, NYPD blue). It started the trend of bad guys as protagonists in TV drama (SoA, Breaking Bad, Dexter, etc.). It also sparked the trend of premium channels creating shows that drove subscriptions and created a sort of drama arms race between HBO and Showtime (and later AMC and FX on the basic cable side).

All those facts may be true (I have no way, and don't care, to verify them) but it doesn't change the fact that watching the sopranos puts me to sleep.
I guess it's one of those "you had to be there (or then)" cases. I tried watching it a couple of years back for the first time and was really unimpressed.
Btw, my opinion is not indented as a criticism to Gandolfini, who was indeed very good at that specific role, but to the series as a whole.
All those facts may be true (I have no way, and don't care, to verify them) but it doesn't change the fact that watching the sopranos puts me to sleep.
I guess it's one of those "you had to be there (or then)" cases. I tried watching it a couple of years back for the first time and was really unimpressed.
Btw, my opinion is not indented as a criticism to Gandolfini, who was indeed very good at that specific role, but to the series as a whole.

Reading your posts puts me to fdg[bdbdzfbdfb.bdfbz... :err:
All those facts may be true (I have no way, and don't care, to verify them) but it doesn't change the fact that watching the sopranos puts me to sleep.
That doesn't mean it's overrated though, it just means you didn't enjoy it (which is fine). I explained why it's rated as highly as it is.

I have that exact same Ulver poster, although mine's ragged from being hung in a humid jam room.:Smug:
Well I'm italian I like the sopranos (not the biggest fan) and I think James did a great Job, even though he's not ITALIAN (don't get me started on this italianamerican shit, if you're born on us soli you're american) he acted like one of those mobsters we have in south of italy.
The way people from south of italy is portrayed is spot on:
- the tables outside satriale (this is a little nuance but it means there's been a great research on italian culture, in south of italy old people sit in front of their houses all day haha)
- the love for food of southern italians (you know how much is famous our food)
- the love for family (in this dram is real not like those italian-americans directors who portray a distorted italian reality, maybe a distorted version of what their grandparents told them)
this is a little nuance but it means there's been a great research on italian culture, in south of italy old people sit in front of their houses all day haha

don't need to research italian culture to figure that one out - just walk down the street in any decent-sized east coast city!