RIP Jeff Hanneman

My favorite band of all time. Unlike the other "Big 4" thrash bands (Metallica, Anthrax, Megadeth), they never put out a bad album, imo. Diabolus in Musica was their weakest album but was still better than anything Metallica or Megadeth has released since ....And Justice or Rest in Peace, respectively.

Early reports are saying that Jeff has been severely depressed since the spider bite, as he has been unable to play, and had been drinking heavily. He had been sober for two months and was on the liver transplant list and waiting on a donor. Unfortunately, he passed before a donor was found.

Slayer was the music too my childhood. I first saw them in '88 on the South of Heaven tour and I have seen them 10 or so times since then and they always put on an awesome show.

On the Seasons in the Abyss tour, we got there really, really early (my mom drove us, as I did not have a license yet) and were waiting outside the venue when Slayer and Testament pulled up in their tour bus. Jeff and Kerry from Slayer and Alex and Chuck from Testament proceeded to come over and ask us why we were there so early. When we told them, they asked us to come play softball with them in the parking lot! We played softball with Slayer and Testament and then got invited in to watch the soundcheck. Every member, from both bands, were amazingly cool and it was one of the highlights of my teenage years.

I will miss the music that Hanneman created. He was an amazing musician and an awesome guy. May he rest in piece and Reign in Blood.
Awesome story.
Still can't believe Jeff is gone. 49 is way too young.
There is a lot of talk and pictures floating around Facebook that the Westboro Baptist Church is going to be at Jeff's funeral to protest. I think it's a sick joke rumor because blood would definitely be spilled if they showed up to protest against crazy Slayer fans. Can I say Wall of Death ?
Fuck I hate those guys (Westboro) and I'm a Catholic too and they give me the absolute shits. All they stand for is ignorance and hate. Fuck em.

I am still gutted by Jeff's passing. So damn sad. I have tried to avoid all the rumours doing the rounds about his lifestyle in his final months as all I can say is this - we not only lost a legend in metal music, but those close to him lost a friend, brother, son and husband. Lets show some respect instead of trying to second guess what caused his death.

RIP Jeff. Your music lives on!!! \m/
Well things have migrated from rumours to officiality:

Following a week of speculation that Slayer’s co-founding guitarist Jeff Hanneman died May 2 of complications arising from a recluse spider bite, the official cause of death was announced today (Thursday, May 9) to be alcohol-related cirrhosis.
"We've just learned that the official cause of Jeff's death was alcohol-related cirrhosis," read a statement on Slayer's website. "While he had his health struggles over the years, including the recent necrotizing fasciitis infection that devastated his well-being, Jeff and those close to him were not aware of the true extent of his liver condition until the last days of his life."
Alcohol-related cirrhosis of the liver is a disease in which healthy liver tissue is gradually replaced with scar tissue, which over time prevents the organ from functioning properly. According to WebMD, the scar tissue "blocks the flow of blood through the liver and slows the processing of nutrients, hormones, drugs, and naturally produced toxins. It also slows the production of proteins and other substances made by the liver."

RIP Hanneman:kickass:
I hope that Jeff's death can serve as a wake up call to those who abuse alcohol. What starts off as harmless fun can end up killing you.

What's even more sad about this story in my opinion is the state of mind that lead to it. Jeff Hanneman was a talented and respected musician and song writer. He made a good living for himself. Something as small as a spider completely changed everything.