RIP Steve Irwin


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
Being a proud Aussie, it was with shock and disbelief that I heard the news of Steve Crocodile Hunter Irwin this afternoon. This small but close knit country has lost one of it's true icon's and we are all poorer off for it. Steve was a true entertainer and a valiant wildlife campaigner.
It really does show you that you just never know when your time is up. The Australian landscape throws up any number of dangers, be it on land or in water, and Steve has tangled with far more dangerous animals in far more treacherous circumstances. This was a freak accident and I'm sure everyone will spare a thought for Steve's family at this time. R.I.P. Steve.
Aye its terrible, I loved the guy so much I went to a fancy dress party at him, compelte with inflatable crocodile... I was shocked at the news, 44 is far to young, and hes only then seccond person in history to have died by stingray.


Will be much missed!
Aye, this was most tragic. I really thought it would be a more fearsome creature that eventually got to Steve like a croc or a lion or something. After all he's tangled with some of the worlds deadliest animals but it does show that you can never be too careful.

My condoloences to his family and friends. The guy was pure entertainment and will be missed.

R.I.P. Steve
You know with folk like that you can't help get the feeling it's how they would have wanted it to be. No grow old and die in a bed years after folks have forgot all about you, die in such a unique way and with the creatures you've shared so much of your life with.

He was indeed a mighty legend, could be irrating at times, but overall very entertaining and braver than Crocodile Dundee himself! lol.

Wherever he is I'm sure he's wresting a few of the big fellas and doing it in style.

A complete and utter fruitcase but we loved him all the same.

I used to love his show when I was younger, he seemed like a really nice guy, really cheery.. I guess he died doing what he loved, I just hope he did'nt suffer. Condolences to those who survive him.
Steve was a crazy sonuvva who entertained millions of people with bravery that bordered on the insane! But more importantly you could see the love he had for animals and nature everytime he spoke. He was mental, and the world needs more people like that :) R.I.P Steve Irwin

Symphony said:
Being a proud Aussie

I thought you were born in Wales?
I was a fan of the guy when I first saw him on television years back.
When his first series aired I sent him a letter and he replied, I still have it somewhere.
Was rather upset when I heard the news this morning before work.

The thing that suprises me is, the guy is surrounded by deadly creatures every day and puts his life at risk all the time, and then he ends up being killed by a creature that isn't considered to be dangerous.

I plan to visit Australia in the next couple of years and his zoo was on my list of places... Was hoping to meet him.

I have thought about the guy a fair bit today.

R.I.P Steve. :(
According to a newspapers front page article Steve Irwin's dying wish was to have the clip of his death shown on TV :s And his family plan to honour that...

But how could anyone bring themselves to watch that? It's not just a guy getting badly hurt, it's a guy actually dying....
Knowing Steve it's probably to show the "awesome power of nature" or maybe as a way of teaching people not to mess with these things.