
Not blessed, or merciful
Apr 11, 2001
Sarf Lundin, Innit
Well, Kerrang! gave it only a two-K review this week - not surprising. I saw a few songs off the video version this week, and unless you like live videos where there is (seriously!) a camera angle cut every 2 seconds you will NOT enjoy watching it... The longest shot I saw was about 7 seconds when Bruce was introducing a song. I saw perhaps 5 shots of the audience during 4 songs... it was just... :cry:

Get the bootleg, I say, and enjoy that if you must. Or wait til the DVD is in the bargain bins.
It's a sad day when a band like Maiden - who you used to be able to rely on releasing a quality product - can endorse such a piece of shite...

They even have moments when the camera wobbles - and Harris LEFT IT IN!!
I'm just totally over the whole BNW / RiR thingy..
The original album has not stood the test of time,
The live album was a bore (to me),
and now the DVD is apparently bad.

:cry: :cry:

They have stretched this whole reunion thingy over 4 years and still havn't given me anything worth writing home about. At least Blaze is kicking anus.

2 world tours that conveniently missed us in Australia both times.
Another damn 'Best of' disguised as a lame computer game
2 sets of reissued albums
1 shitty studio album
Another live album
1 Crap and continually delay video.

I just wanna shoot something. :mad:

Originally posted by Spiff
I think he needs a wake-up call... and a mass boycott of this 'state-of-the-art' masterpiece would be just the thing.

Bad idea :eek: .
re - Megadeth.

But Rock In Rio the album bombed around the world anyway, so unless everybody has been waiting for the DVD/Video, it may as well be a boycott, because it's not going to sell.
But its ok everyone! The CROWD!!!!!!!!! :headbang: :) Id pay to go watch them sing, forget Iron Maiden ;)
Sorry guys.. I've got a cold and am pissed off. :(

I do love Maiden, really I do.
Originally posted by spawn
Dont worry Sydo, at least Blaze is kicking anus :)

Sure is :headbang:

We're probably more likely to see him in concert in the next few years than that other band anyway. :)
I'm glad I'm not the only big B L A Z E fan around here! They have released two awesome albums in the last 2 to 3 years! Compare that to Maiden's recent list of achievements! Their unreal, and one of my fav bands. :headbang:

(refer to Sydo's post for Maiden's recent list of achievements)