Rivers Dancing


Jun 16, 2002
State College, PA
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This is a great song and Ron plays the guitars on this song. However someone I talked in a forum claims that all the guitars including the solo is written by Sean Malone himself. Is it true? I think this beautiful solo is written by Ron.
Which one is true?
I wrote and recorded all of my solos on the first Gordian Knot CD. 100% of everything.

Sean sent me an ADAT tape with a rhythm track (gtr, bass, keys, drums), and the times for the 5 solos. His instructions were something like "do whatever you want, and I'll use whatever is cool". Nothing like having a clear-cut vision of your art...

I wish Sean would have had a better idea of what he wanted, and what he was going for. If I would have known that Anticode was going to be track 1 on the CD, I would have done something far more aggressive on the first solo. However, the 2nd solo on Anticode turned out pretty cool.

On the last River's Dancing solo, Sean and I agreed that I'd start slow, then gradually pick up, and eventually end up with whammy bar noises. I was very happy with that last solo, although I think the first one is rather weak.

I was supposed to play on the 2nd Gordian Knot CD, but Sean and I weren't exactly seeing eye to eye at that time, so he got Jim Matheos to play the parts.

I would of liked to hear Ron play on Emergent but I cannot complain 'cause I think Jim did a great job. I love his phrasing when he solos.

I like Emergent but in my opinion it is overdone. There are so many over-dubs some of the songs sound cluttered. I think the first Gordian Knot album seems more pure. I believe Glenn Snelwar had input on some song writing. Perhaps he is the reason for that.
ronjarz said:
On the last River's Dancing solo, Sean and I agreed that I'd start slow, then gradually pick up, and eventually end up with whammy bar noises. I was very happy with that last solo


That solo, imo, is probably the best on the album.