Riverside at Nearfest review


God of Thunder
Apr 1, 2005
near KC
From somebody (not me) that saw Riverside's US debut at Nearfest in PA: http://www.progressiveears.com/forums/topics.asp?ForumID=1&page=10&private=&subs=

"I love the 2 albums this band has released but wondered about their live show. Nothing to worry about as they are a very polished and tight unit. The first thing I noticed was the Guitarist wearing a NJ Proghouse shirt! Great plug, I hope they can come back and play there. I was also wondering what the crowd would think of a near prog-metal type band, as heavier bands don't go over well at Nearfest. And those brief growling moments, I though they might drive a few people out of the hall. It's not exactly the cookie monster variety and I think it fits the music well. Luckily most of the crowd stayed and saw a pretty good, if slightly flawed set. Nothing wrong with the performance, all four were great, especially the drummer. All four also have impossible to pronounce or even type names, as my polish is very poor! The bass playing lead singer had better chops than I expected, playing tricky parts while delivery the vocals, never an easy task. My complaint was the song order. They got past most of their most powerful and proggy material in the first half of the set. The pacing seemed all wrong, as the second half was more mellow than the first, a mistake for a hard edged band like this. A few set alterations would have made a huge difference. Still a strong set, and I look forward to much more music from them. After last year's visa issues, it was very nice to finally get them here. Grade: B"

I know Glenn has said this band has no chance for PP, but still hoping...:)
I was at nearfest! Riverside kicked ass!
The crowd sucked, though... really, really bad! Everybody was extremely quiet and polite.. I felt like I was in a movie theater.. I had to lower my voice to talk to my buddy sitting next to me..
Nad that reaction wasn't for Riverside only... it was throughout the whole fest!
Hey I was at NEarFest and LOVE LOVE LOVED the Riverside set. I was whoopin and a hollaring between songs and threw the horns copious amounts of times. I was quite surprised seeing as how attendees from 2004 and 2005 had exited the theater during Pallas and IQ respectively and was fully expecting them to do the same for Riverside which imho was far more metal than the other 2 bands, however very few people exited the theater during their set. I went up to Rob LaDuca afterward to thank him for bringing Riverside over to play and he was THRILLED by their set. SAId he finally found the right balance of progmetal for NF. Rob's GF and I both put in our votes for the Riverside set to be released on DVD by Nearfest Records.

KingsGene said:
I believe it had something to do about the visa issues from Poland...

Well if the NEARfest peeps can make it happen, I KNOW Glenn can! They rocked the house. I thought their set was perfect, and I think they could be an amazing act for a future Progpower.
Riverside at NearFest was perfect.
Nearfest was exhausting and badly planned.
The crowd at Nearfest (besides the Riverside fans that actually made noise) was pathetic.
AngraRULES said:
Riverside at NearFest was perfect.
Nearfest was exhausting and badly planned.
The crowd at Nearfest (besides the Riverside fans that actually made noise) was pathetic.


Not to say you were the most excited person there... :headbang:
AngraRULES said:
Riverside at NearFest was perfect.

Check. Agree with that. They were utterly amazing.

AngraRULES said:
Nearfest was exhausting and badly planned.
The crowd at Nearfest (besides the Riverside fans that actually made noise) was pathetic.

Uncheck. Will have to respectfully disagree here. NearFest is actually a very well run and planned festival. Rob and Chad have worked long hours to ensure that this festival goes as smooth as it can. PLenty of time between performances to shop for cds in the vendor rooms. PLenty of time during the lunch and dinner breaks to actually GO get something to eat and still not miss the performances. Granted it can be and sometimes is exhausting, however it is a longer day so that there is time built in to get the sets/acts changed over/setup /checked. Some of the acts are given ample time for their positions to perform.

As for the crowd. If you mainly attend shows of a metal or hard rock nature, the crowds will tend to be different, react different, etc. Just think somecrowds over seas don't have any reaction to a show and they love the performance. Customs and cultures. A prog Rock crowd tends to show theur enthusiasm differently then say the crowd that attends ProgPower. It's not to say that one is better than the other, it is merely different than the other.

However it sounds like you prefer a more ProgPower Type of experience than a NearFest type of exerience. Myself? I welcome the differences and enjoy them for what they are.

Coldfire, I agree with you that the festivals are very different. I have no doubts about that. However, I think 90 minutes in between sets is way too exaggerated. Plus, closing the vendors during sets is plain stupid. In other words, I am pretty much forced to watch an awful bad band such as FM playing for over an hour or be bored to tears outside doing nothing (that's what there's to do at the festival when vendors are closed). Also, any band in the world can get ready to perform in less than 90 minutes.

Also... Dinner break.... Sounds a little forced, but I respect it. However, why the fuck did the food tents close down 5 minutes before the dinner break? That means if I'm not driving and I'm not in the mood to walk out in the rain I can't eat either?

Rob and Chad will have my respect forever for bringing Riverside. But that's really about it. They say they have the most enthusiastic crowd in the world and Nearfest is the premier music festival in the USA. I'm sorry, I've been to Prog shows before (Im not only used to metal concerts, I can tell you that much) and I've never seen a crowd as dead as the one at Nearfest. Even during more prog acts.

Oh, and by the way, the set played by Keith Emmerson was pathetic. So many bad choices made by him, I couldn't even believe I was seeing him. Thank God Riverside, Guapo and KBB made the festival worth it (Riverside taking 99% of that credit)...

It'll take a really amazing line up to make me attend Nearfest again.
Man, the brakes were brutal..

I mean, there were 2 sets that I cound't stand (FM and Ange).... So... 1:30 of break before the FM set... 1:30 of music I don't like (with the vendors being closed!) and 2 hours (dinner break) before Ozric Tentacles!

That's 5 hours of hanging out! LOL
If I attended the show by myself I'd kill myself... At least we were in a large group (6 people) so we could BS, watch World Cup games on the pizza place accross from the venue, etc... but 5 hours! I am sure angraRULEs and Icequeen won't want to see me again for a few months :lol:

I liked 7 out of the 10 shows.. And I am not sure I will be attending Nearfest again, as the whole experience wasn't that great... They need to put together a stellar roster to get me to go again (not that they need me, as they sell out in 30 minutes anyway).

Prog power is the exact opposite.. Even if the line up doesn't excite me that much (as this year's), I will attend the fest regardless, as the fest itself is incredible!
Angrafan said:
Man, the brakes were brutal..

I mean, there were 2 sets that I cound't stand (FM and Ange).... So... 1:30 of break before the FM set... 1:30 of music I don't like (with the vendors being closed!) and 2 hours (dinner break) before Ozric Tentacles!

Err, assuming you watched 'em, how were the Ozricles? I can't see them on this current tour since they're not playing anywhere near here, and I'm a bit leery since they kicked Jon out of the band.
Angrafan summed up my thoughts exactly concerning Nearfest, and was the main reason i elected not to go. I couldn't afford the price just to see one band I was very interested (probably my favorite band actually) when I knew going into it that the audience and likely the performances would be much more... subdued... for the remainder of the fest. Not to say "boo hoo it's not metal" but more "boo hoo it lacks intensity/passion/insert-word-here"