RIVERSIDE - Love, Fear And The Time Machine

Part of me really wants to go from Atlanta to Richmond to see Riverside two days in a row- it's not like they tour the US very often (hopefully they'll get more US tours in the next couple years). Unfortunately, with work on Monday, that's not going to be likely. If only I had a time machine...
I can't believe Riverside is playing the same night as Overkill & Symphony X is in Chicago. Sigh.
I just got my copy on Saturday. It sounds terrific!:Spin: I see on Setlist.fm that they have been playing Lost, Saturate Me, and Discard Your Fear during the last two weeks, so we might hear them next Saturday!:grin:
I can't believe Riverside is playing the same night as Overkill & Symphony X is in Chicago. Sigh.

Go see Riverside. Overkill and Symphony X will be back. (Interestingly enough, the Overkill/Symphony X tour is hitting up Mass where I live the same night Riverside is playing NYC - I'm going to NYC. Hands down.)

Always go for the band you may or maynot ever see again.
especially Addicted,that hook,my God..
they can't do anything wrong

I couldn't agree more. This album has clicked with me big time, more so than their last couple efforts. So very good. There was someone that commented on a Facebook thread that they could listen to Mariusz Duda sing the dictionary, and I would buy that, too. Just so good... :worship:
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Riverside announce 5.1 surround sound version of Love, Fear And The Time Machine

"...Riverside will release a 5.1 surround sound version of their latest album Love, Fear And The Time Machine next month.
The Polish prog outfit's sixth album was originally released last year, with the 5.1 version set for release on July 22 via InsideOutMusic.
It will be available as a CD+DVD Digipak with slightly modified artwork, which can be viewed below.
The bonus DVD is a hybrid DVD-AV disc and includes a DVD-Audio and a DVD-Video session on the same disc. The DVD-Audio portion contains the main album and Day Session as high resolution 24bit lossless stereo versions, as well as the main album in an MLP lossless 24bit 5.1 surround version.
The DVD-V portion contains the main album and the Day Session in high resolution 24bit lossless stereo versions as well as the main album in high resolution 24bit DTS 5.1 surround version, along with four videos...."