roadhouse london


New Metal Member
Jun 3, 2006
Does anyone know where the hell this is as i cant find a roadhouse in london, apart from some diner. If anyone knows where it is and how to get tickets the info would be most welcomed
yeah, i couldnt find the venue either. could be just a misprint on the website or smth. There's that new venue in Camden, could be it. Anyway, tickets are on sale from 16 June, so I hope there will be more info then. Going there 100% anyway.
I hope it's a better venue than the Kentish Town Forum is, where they played last year.
It's supposed to say the Roundhouse, not Roadhouse (like that very bad Patrick Swayze movie). It's supposed to be a legendary venue where plenty of classic bands have played. It's been closed for years I think and maybe, just maybe that show will be a memorable one.

Cracking the whip to whoever made the wife?

it's definately that venue I gave a link to. Well, it seems to be quite "legendary" after all. it says Zepplin, Floyd, Purle, Who, Clash, Doors and whoever else played there. And it all started from underground raves. AND all sorts of dance/theatre/arts events were held there. Now it's reopening after reconstruction.
Very unusual venue all in all.
Mikael Åkerfeldt said:
...the Roundhouse...
It's supposed to be a legendary venue where plenty of classic bands have played.

That's right, Mike! I saw Thin Lizzy there in the seventies! :)
(A class act in a good venue!)
He's just a human being at the end of the day, one who is musically talented yes, but none the less just a human being. Besides he's the only member of the band we get to speak to anymore albeit sporadically, I'm just interested in how things are?
Ayr said:
December 4th, 2005, 11:06 PM

Eh i dont get it?

Powers said:
He's just a human being at the end of the day, one who is musically talented yes, but none the less just a human being. Besides he's the only member of the band we get to speak to anymore albeit sporadically, I'm just interested in how things are?

To me, he is my ultimate Idol. Would i expect him to say something to me with his big schedule just because i ask him how he is. No. I realise this and there is no point. I wasnt trying to have a go at your or anything so i apologise if it came across that way.