Rob Halford on coming out in the metal world

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Except it isn't. Take it from me, who has first hand experience with how utterly accepting and not homophobic the metal scene actually is. Somewhat insensitive, sure, but definitely not hateful.

What the hell do you know? You didn't even know Halford was gay until a week or two ago. "Take it from me" my butt. Do you remember when Ghaal came out? (Do you even know who Ghaal is?) He and his former partner got death threats from people within the scene from all over the world and his gayness became a meme. The homophobic alpha-male metal scene thought it was a joke that big scary satan man must have soft cuddly wuddly side as well. Maybe it was funny in an ironic way at first, but most comments surrounding it are ridiculously homophobic. I just saw "Until the Light Takes Us" and HELLHAMMER (you know, the former Dimmu Borgir drummer and longtime member of Mayhem) of all people said something along the lines of "I'm glad Faust killed that faggot, he deserved it." Yeah, "not hateful" at all.

Secondly the entire idea that Halford is so metal because he fucks guys blah blah proves my point as well. I thought it was a funny comment too, so don't get me wrong, but of course, someone who's gay in the metal scene STILL has to be an alpha male badass even while gay. Metal ideology has no room for a feminine man. This is why when the dude from that grind band (forgetting the name) got a sex change operation, people stopped caring about his band. If you can't accept the fact that homophobia and intolerance hasn't changed, then you're just as much of a poser as before when you started that thread belittling the poor dude from Early Graves who died on tour that Glenn had to delete (which again, is HILARIOUS that YOU tell ME to grow up when you have the nerve to start a thread like that) because it was so disgustingly insensitive.

It's one thing if my initial joke came off as harsh, I'm sorry if it actually offended you. But for you to then to act condescending and patronizing with me when you yourself have committed "worse" offenses is hilarious.
What the hell do you know? You didn't even know Halford was gay until a week or two ago. "Take it from me" my butt.

you don't know how insanely wrong you are posting this, but no not wrong as in "ohhh that was bad to say." Wrong as in, you don't know who Nailz is and what he knew prior to a week or two ago. All signs point to oblivious with some of the more personal comments in your post.
What the hell do you know? You didn't even know Halford was gay until a week or two ago. "Take it from me" my butt. Do you remember when Ghaal came out? (Do you even know who Ghaal is?) He and his former partner got death threats from people within the scene from all over the world and his gayness became a meme. The homophobic alpha-male metal scene thought it was a joke that big scary satan man must have soft cuddly wuddly side as well. Maybe it was funny in an ironic way at first, but most comments surrounding it are ridiculously homophobic. I just saw "Until the Light Takes Us" and HELLHAMMER (you know, the former Dimmu Borgir drummer and longtime member of Mayhem) of all people said something along the lines of "I'm glad Faust killed that faggot, he deserved it." Yeah, "not hateful" at all.

Secondly the entire idea that Halford is so metal because he fucks guys blah blah proves my point as well. I thought it was a funny comment too, so don't get me wrong, but of course, someone who's gay in the metal scene STILL has to be an alpha male badass even while gay. Metal ideology has no room for a feminine man. This is why when the dude from that grind band (forgetting the name) got a sex change operation, people stopped caring about his band. If you can't accept the fact that homophobia and intolerance hasn't changed, then you're just as much of a poser as before when you started that thread belittling the poor dude from Early Graves who died on tour that Glenn had to delete (which again, is HILARIOUS that YOU tell ME to grow up when you have the nerve to start a thread like that) because it was so disgustingly insensitive.

It's one thing if my initial joke came off as harsh, I'm sorry if it actually offended you. But for you to then to act condescending and patronizing with me when you yourself have committed "worse" offenses is hilarious.

you don't know how insanely wrong you are posting this, but no not wrong as in "ohhh that was bad to say." Wrong as in, you don't know who Nailz is and what he knew prior to a week or two ago. All signs point to oblivious with some of the more personal comments in your post.

Nah, I don't now him personally, and as I said, if my initial comment was too harsh for him, I'm sorry. It was a joke, and yeah it was meant to poke him a bit, it wasn't a personal attack or anything. Buuut, I'm not going to be patronized from someone who makes fun of bands whose members die in accidents just because he may or may not've heard of them prior. Additionally, the entire argument he's making just isn't true...Also how is anything I said "personal?"
Bwhahah, you accuse me of not being able to spell metalmilitia, and yet you can't either? Dude, if you're gonna troll, at least do it right...

Uhh, that's how you spell YOUR username... Why would I spell it any differently? Secondly if anyone's trolling it's you purposely calling me dumb with nothing else to explain why my post was dumb.
It's not that difficult... honestly. I'm done here anyways, let this get back on topic.

Okay fine, on topic, how is my initial post at all dumb? I've supplied evidence supporting that this scene is bigoted and hate-filled and all you had to say was "hurr durr ur dum." Explain how I am wrong if it's not that difficult, hoss.
Okay fine, on topic, how is my initial post at all dumb? I've supplied evidence supporting that this scene is bigoted and hate-filled and all you had to say was "hurr durr ur dum." Explain how I am wrong if it's not that difficult, hoss.

I'll let nailz handle this one, seeing as it was aimed towards him in your original reply. If he doesn't, or doesn't do so satisfactorily to me, then I will. For now, I'm going to go spend some time with my family before I fly back home tomorrow.
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