Rock, hard rock, metal songs without solos


Oct 19, 2003
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Can anybody please tellmeif theyno of any rock/hard rock/or heavy metalsongs that DONT have guitar solos in them yep strange question.

Can only think of one of hand breaking the law by judas priest if anybody knows of any others can you please put them on this thread for me cheers.
All that nu metal stuff like Disturbed, papa roach, limp bizkit and korn
has no guitar solos! (Practically!)

Also the Testament album 'The Gathering' has little or no guitar solos as well...and its awesome unlike the bands above! Having said that i dont mind a bit of korn.

Clawfinger dont have guitar solos... or.... Fear Factory, N I N, Rammstein

Not sure if thats kinda info you were after, hope it helps!

A few more; These are albums not songs btw!
and all have very few or no guitar solos..

"Angelo Salutante" - Stonehenge
"Redefine" - Soil
"Songs for the withered" - Rapture
"Comalies" - Lacuna Coil
"Anthems of Rebellion" - Arch Enemy

Or could give Cannabal Corpse a try!! I doubt very much if they do anything in the way of guitar solo's :tickled:
Mmmm... this is a tough one...
Gregger - 'The Band Played On'. That's a nice one! The song has got more than a couple of guitar breaks in it, but because it is a recurring tune (like a theme) does it make a guitar solo? You could use the same method towards 'Strangers 747'.

I think Valanx has got it sorted, though. Because of the 'Spinal Tap' references, guitar solos have been very much downplayed by the more modern bands. This is not necessarily a bad thing - bands have to then compose a 'middle break' or whatever to substitute for the formal guitar solo and, therefore, think a little more about their songwriting.
I love guitar solos when they are needed and relevant for the song, but if a band can come up with an instrumental break that is just as orgazmic, that is fine with me!
However, I'm gonna have to think about some of my favourite rock songs that have not got guitar solos! That is going to be tough!
I remeber a track from AC/DC's Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap not having a solo. I Think is either Big Balls or Squealer but since i'm not at home i can't listen to it to be sure.
Sapator - Yeah, you're right!
I think the song was 'Big Balls' - it was never classed as one of AC/DC's best songs, but is a very infamous song! The first time I ever heard AC/DC was simply down to a mate of mine saying how I had to listen to his older brothers AC/DC album because it talks about Balls all the time!