Well, I'm a HUGE fan of Rock/metal operas. Sometimes this kind of releases get confused with concept albums: to make it clear I'll use and example:
Orwarrior is a CONCEPT album, but NOT a metal.
You need to have several characters and several singers to interpretate them to have a rock/metal opera, so probably the best known exampler for this nowadays is Avantasia. I'll make a list of the albums this kind I own:
Avantasia I, II, III (waiting for IV and V to be released this year)
Ayreon's whole carreer
Daniel Liverani's Genius I, II, III
Gary Hughes' Once and Future Kind I, II
Elfiskaya Rukopis I, II (This was EXTREMELY difficult to find)
Soulspell - A Legacy Of Honour (waiting for the II to be released this year)
Leonardo - The Absolute Man
Neverland - Reversing Time (A new one is coming this year)
Pandea - Soylent Green
Nikolo Kotzev - Nostradamus (one of the best albums I ever heard, waiting for Draconia to be released in 2011 or 2012)
Caamora - She (amazing album)
Andrew Lloyd Webber's - Jesuscrist Superstar (both in english and spanish)
Bajel - Bajel (South american - spanish, not the best effort ever exactly...)
Xystus & US Concert - Equilibrio (quite a good album)
Edgar Allan Poe: Legado de Una Tragedia (Spanish release, really interesting if you're into ehavy & power metal)
TSO complete carreer (in special Beethoven's Last Night and Night Castle are wonderful)
Merlin: The Rock Opera
Dawnrider - Fate Is Callin I (wonder if there would ever be a part II)
Pictorial Wand - A Sleeper's Awakening
Pictorial Wand - Face Of Our Fathers
I'm looking forward the release of:
Samuel Arkan - Origins
Opera Diabolicus - 1614
Charlemagne - By The Sword And The Cross (With Christopher Lee!!)
Searching the net and in particular the ProgArchives, I knew about a "collective" named Colossus Projects, that basically picks prog artists and bands from the finnish scene and make up prog rock operas based upon classic movies and books (and also tribute's in which I'm not interested). There are a few that seems to be great and particulary interesting:
Dante's Inferno: The Divine Comedy Part I
Dante's Inferno: The Divine Comedy Part II
The Spaghetti Epic - I, II, III
Odyssey - The Greatest Tale
The 7 Samurai - The Ultimate Epic
The Colossus Of Rhodes
Kalevala - Finnish Progressive Rock Epic
Colossus Project - The Empire & The Rebellion (YES, it's based in Star Wars)
The thing is that I tried to get in contact with this people but I was unable (getting no answer from the myspace) Do you know a trustfull place where I could buy this albums?
And by the way, tell us what you think of this kind of releases, your favourites, and, please, if you know of any I haven't mention and you consider it worthy, let me know!

Orwarrior is a CONCEPT album, but NOT a metal.
You need to have several characters and several singers to interpretate them to have a rock/metal opera, so probably the best known exampler for this nowadays is Avantasia. I'll make a list of the albums this kind I own:
Avantasia I, II, III (waiting for IV and V to be released this year)
Ayreon's whole carreer
Daniel Liverani's Genius I, II, III
Gary Hughes' Once and Future Kind I, II
Elfiskaya Rukopis I, II (This was EXTREMELY difficult to find)
Soulspell - A Legacy Of Honour (waiting for the II to be released this year)
Leonardo - The Absolute Man
Neverland - Reversing Time (A new one is coming this year)
Pandea - Soylent Green
Nikolo Kotzev - Nostradamus (one of the best albums I ever heard, waiting for Draconia to be released in 2011 or 2012)
Caamora - She (amazing album)
Andrew Lloyd Webber's - Jesuscrist Superstar (both in english and spanish)
Bajel - Bajel (South american - spanish, not the best effort ever exactly...)
Xystus & US Concert - Equilibrio (quite a good album)
Edgar Allan Poe: Legado de Una Tragedia (Spanish release, really interesting if you're into ehavy & power metal)
TSO complete carreer (in special Beethoven's Last Night and Night Castle are wonderful)
Merlin: The Rock Opera
Dawnrider - Fate Is Callin I (wonder if there would ever be a part II)
Pictorial Wand - A Sleeper's Awakening
Pictorial Wand - Face Of Our Fathers
I'm looking forward the release of:
Samuel Arkan - Origins
Opera Diabolicus - 1614
Charlemagne - By The Sword And The Cross (With Christopher Lee!!)
Searching the net and in particular the ProgArchives, I knew about a "collective" named Colossus Projects, that basically picks prog artists and bands from the finnish scene and make up prog rock operas based upon classic movies and books (and also tribute's in which I'm not interested). There are a few that seems to be great and particulary interesting:
Dante's Inferno: The Divine Comedy Part I
Dante's Inferno: The Divine Comedy Part II
The Spaghetti Epic - I, II, III
Odyssey - The Greatest Tale
The 7 Samurai - The Ultimate Epic
The Colossus Of Rhodes
Kalevala - Finnish Progressive Rock Epic
Colossus Project - The Empire & The Rebellion (YES, it's based in Star Wars)
The thing is that I tried to get in contact with this people but I was unable (getting no answer from the myspace) Do you know a trustfull place where I could buy this albums?
And by the way, tell us what you think of this kind of releases, your favourites, and, please, if you know of any I haven't mention and you consider it worthy, let me know!