Rock remix of MJ's Blood on the Dance Floor

Sound has room for improvement. The guitars are a too scooped for my taste and I don't like the BD sample too much...

but, Dude!!! The riff at about 0:20 has an amazing groove to it! I like it A LOT!

You pitched the original vocal track up, didn't you? It sounds a bit "chipmukish" especially at 1:12). I'd detune the guitars instead. But overall Jackson's voice fits perfectly to this version. I'm really impressed!

haha, this goove kicks so much ass!
hey thanks for the comment.

I was gonna record with a more mid rangey sound, but in the end it became too boxy for me to mix around it. The vocals are the same pitch as the original. (In F Minor) I thought of detuning the vocals to bring it down to D, but i would probably lose the color in the vocals so i kept it in original tuning.

thanks again for listening.