Rock the Vote!


Feb 2, 2002
If you haven't voted yet, GO DO IT WHILE THERE'S STILL TIME!
If you think you are an American, then fucking vote!
I did it two weeks ago.

This is on topic cause about 10 years ago, Anthrax and Public Enemy did a commercial for Rock The Vote.

-Thra:rofl:ude (R) Colorado
Our ballots got here the day they were supposed to be sent out...dumbasses. We voted. My choice for governor is winning so far, but they probably won't be done counting til the weekend. It's supposedly very close. The props were a pain in the ass, and I'm sure like two years ago, they won't be put in place anyway. So I get to bitch about those.
voting!?!?!?!? yaaaaaaaaaawn

why bother, matrix style trickery to make you feel your voice counts......ahh how they laugh at us monkeys.....
I wasn't able to vote. The shitheads somehow lost my info in the system so I have to reregister. It's probably because they knew I wouldn't vote republican. but I'm not democratic Either. I'm more Socialist than anything but not extreme. I'd vote for who I think feels the same way but my views on buisiness and the economy tend to be a little socialist. which is probably due to the fact that I'm working retail. I don't think TRUE communism is the answer but I do think the little working man like me deserves more power.
so yeah I didn't vote but I still get to piss and moan about it because they fucked me out of it. only 40% of the texas population voted........ that makes me angry.
who loves ya baby
In Arizona, they jump through hoops to make sure you're registered. The last election (2 years ago) was a month before my wedding, so I still had my maiden name. Then we moved in February. Neither one of us ever bothered to fill out another form, yet I keep getting stuff with my married name at my new address, when we both should have had to reregister. I registered Democrat, but that has nothing to do with how I vote. I vote for whoever the hell I want to, regardless of their party affiliation. But after the way the Democratic Party filled my mail box this last month, I'm seriously considering picking the party that does the least amount of mailing just so I can be left alone.