Rocking Metal Anthems

Surely to be a true student I'd drink all my new comp budget and end up buying an etch-a-sketch cellotaped to a calculator. :lol:
Well if he comes up with "Re-tardis" then we'll know he still is ;)

Anyway, I'm off up to Scotland for an exam tomorrow and won't be around for a few days. So wish me luck, keep some fingers crossed for me and I'll see you guys soon!

Take care and Let the Quest go on! :rock:
aww good luck Dom I've just done mine and found the magical mystical computer room so after 4 days I have internet just in time to go home..probably a good thing I didn't have it before I think the revision would have gone out the window
Power_Metal_Dom said:
Well I had my doubts....

Along with HMJ

Yup. Got me!! I didn't read it that well...I just thought/hoped it was a joke production name, like Re-Tardis. After all...the page did say it was a provisional title!!
Power_Metal_Dom said:
Anyway, I'm off up to Scotland for an exam tomorrow and won't be around for a few days. So wish me luck, keep some fingers crossed for me and I'll see you guys soon!

Take care and Let the Quest go on! :rock:

Glad to see the forum is falling to pieces without me! Thanks for all the "good luck"s and "see ya soon"s guys


btw I am up here now a meer 2 hours away from my exam, in the Library and looking very very scruffy.

Ahh student life.
Right yeah so anyway I'm pictures of PQ shirts in exotic places...but the exam went well incase any of you are chewing their nails to shreds with worry :lol: