Rocking Metal Anthems

Well if he comes up with "Re-tardis" then we'll know he still is ;)

Anyway, I'm off up to Scotland for an exam tomorrow and won't be around for a few days. So wish me luck, keep some fingers crossed for me and I'll see you guys soon!

Take care and Let the Quest go on! :headbang:
aww good luck Dom I've just done mine and found the magical mystical computer room so after 4 days I have internet just in time to go home..probably a good thing I didn't have it before I think the revision would have gone out the window
Power_Metal_Dom said:
Well I had my doubts....

Along with HMJ

Yup. Got me!! I didn't read it that well...I just thought/hoped it was a joke production name, like Re-Tardis. After all...the page did say it was a provisional title!!
Power_Metal_Dom said:
Anyway, I'm off up to Scotland for an exam tomorrow and won't be around for a few days. So wish me luck, keep some fingers crossed for me and I'll see you guys soon!

Take care and Let the Quest go on! :headbang:

Glad to see the forum is falling to pieces without me! Thanks for all the "good luck"s and "see ya soon"s guys


btw I am up here now a meer 2 hours away from my exam, in the Library and looking very very scruffy.

Ahh student life.