
Jul 14, 2002
Stratford, CT
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So I got suckered in to watching this show and let me say, these people are clueless!!!!

Do they have any " rock " singers in this collection? It is like popsingers trying to be " mean " and " hard ".

Last night this one guy did a BEYOND terrible version of White Rabbit. I was laughing sooooooo hard and angry at how bad he was on this tune.

I know some of you out there are watching, so state your opinions.

And WD, what do you think of the show? I know your watching and taping it. :lol:
I agree DNB, the guy that did White Rabbit blew chuncks big time. I think Dilana is pretty good. If you caught it last week the chick that sang the Evenesence song is good. Yea, I get sucked into these freakin singing shows too.
fading said:
I agree DNB, the guy that did White Rabbit blew chuncks big time. I think Dilana is pretty good. If you caught it last week the chick that sang the Evenesence song is good. Yea, I get sucked into these freakin singing shows too.

oh yeah, the little blonde chick is probably the one with the most potential.

that guy doing white rabbit still kills me, how is he still on the show? He was out of key, had terrible stage presence and is totally dorky.

And speaking of bad, what is with the latin chick with the black hair? She does bad latin influenced remakes of pop tunes and has an attitude about it.

One chick, who got booted tonight, sang great but she kept doing acoustic songs.

Now I dont' expect full on metal or anything but come on!!!!! :lol:

Oh and for the record they all need to stop with the Nirvana worship, whenever any of the judges tell them to do something that " rocks " they pull out a crappy Nirvana tune.

dammit, now I'm all fired up. I'll ramble all night.
DreamNeonBlack said:
oh yeah, the little blonde chick is probably the one with the most potential.

that guy doing white rabbit still kills me, how is he still on the show? He was out of key, had terrible stage presence and is totally dorky.

And speaking of bad, what is with the latin chick with the black hair? She does bad latin influenced remakes of pop tunes and has an attitude about it.

One chick, who got booted tonight, sang great but she kept doing acoustic songs.

Now I dont' expect full on metal or anything but come on!!!!! :lol:

Oh and for the record they all need to stop with the Nirvana worship, whenever any of the judges tell them to do something that " rocks " they pull out a crappy Nirvana tune.

dammit, now I'm all fired up. I'll ramble all night.

Yea, I am sick of the Nirvana crap as well. I hate and have always hated Nirvana. I always thought Kurt was a complete idiot.

That chick with the black hair blows ass and she blew ass last night when she sang that REM song and they raved over it, come on what were they listening to.

I think Jason Newsted expects full on metal.
I refuse to watch this time. I got roped into that INXS one only to have that jackass voted in - lol... nope. I won't do it again. I'm sticking to dvr'ing old House and 24 episodes, new Monks, and taking advantage of free movie channels as long as dish network wants to keep letting me watch :)
fading said:
Yea, I am sick of the Nirvana crap as well. I hate and have always hated Nirvana. I always thought Kurt was a complete idiot.

That chick with the black hair blows ass and she blew ass last night when she sang that REM song and they raved over it, come on what were they listening to.

I think Jason Newsted expects full on metal.
I couldn't agree with you more. Kurt Kaboom sucks.
Completely gay. Newsted must be getting paid alot of money to jump and up and down and clap after these complete retards butcher songs that were incredibly fucking shit to begin with. Don't expect much more than this sort of gayness from Tommy Lee. That ugly arrogant Latin whore needs to fuck off too.
Even though I have never seen this show, just to go against the grain, I am going to say that every candidate on that particular show needs a huge record contract because their collective rocking, angst filled vocals are going to be the voice of rock for the next decade. It is important that we realize this now and offer up to our new gods sacrifices of an appropriate nature.


However, having had the music of Nirvana forced upon me for most of my life, I can't help but say that I am not a fan.
I am personally sick to death of all these reality shows. I completely understand why they do it financially and per business stand point, it unfortunately makes these network people rich. It's disgusting the amount of garbage that's on the television nowadays. I don't watch much tv at all anymore. I may watch movies, but not regular Television. TV is going to be the destruction of the planet. All the subliminal messages brainwashing the youth. Teaching them to all be sheep, to have no minds or opinions of their own, slowly turning them all into robots until one day they all revolt and kill anyone who doesn't fit their pattern, anyone who lives life by their OWN standards. I say everyone Blow Up you television. hehe
i don't watch the show... but either way... i don't really consider it... nor do i see how it is considered a reality show? i see reality shows as being those dumb ass shows where its just video of these stupid people living together in some sort of situation and always arguing. this i just see as a contest.

either way, probably won't ever watch it.
why did they all think they would impress the 80s metal supergroup with pussified versions of nirvana songs (nirvana, who killed the popularity of 80s metal)? newstead was like get nasty and mean so the dude does fuckin heart shaped box? that really grinds my gears.
these shows make millions, think of that when you watch this mindless , waste of time....
firewalkjen said:
I am personally sick to death of all these reality shows. I completely understand why they do it financially and per business stand point, it unfortunately makes these network people rich. It's disgusting the amount of garbage that's on the television nowadays. I don't watch much tv at all anymore. I may watch movies, but not regular Television. TV is going to be the destruction of the planet. All the subliminal messages brainwashing the youth. Teaching them to all be sheep, to have no minds or opinions of their own, slowly turning them all into robots until one day they all revolt and kill anyone who doesn't fit their pattern, anyone who lives life by their OWN standards. I say everyone Blow Up you television. hehe

Not to be a bastard, but you do realise you've just taken a rather sheep-like view point of your own?

TV is no more a ruin than beer, drugs or rock 'n roll. The weak of mind will always be impressionable, that'll never end. PLUS, I quite like the state of television. Many great shows with substance and depth are shown each and every day.

On a side note: The adverts for this show over here involved Tommy Lee saying he did not like "packaged and processed crap"and no "pussy, wussy shit". If I'm the only one who sees the inherent hyprocrisy, nay blatant irony, in him saying this about the show then perhaps I should just shoot myself now :p