Funny old shows


May 31, 2002
Arlington, Virginia
Visit site I just got back from my passover dinner at the local Indian restaurant (the naan was very kosher. In your face, stupid matza bread!)
and now I am watching the original V series on the Sci Fi channel.

I still remember watching this show on TV when I was a little girl and was so fascinated by the special effects and cool plot. WOW has it been that long already? It looks so ancient now!
It looks so stupid and old... wow.
I can't believe how long it has been since that show was on prime time TV (which back then was the "only time TV").

Do you guys remember watching this show, or any old show for that matter, and watching it again after like 20 years?
The spaceship and makeup crack me up!
I used to watch V and no, it hasn't held up. Greatest American Hero, Bring 'em Back Alive, Airwolf, Blue Thunder, Knight Rider, Simon & Simon, Hart vs. Heart, The Fall Guy... used to watch them all but they're kinda crappy now.
Weinerville! Oh, how I longed to be in the studio audience of that show. Youtube doesn't really have any good clips showing just how WEIRD it was though.

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Of course! One of my favorite cartoons of all time :)

Damn Hot Topic; they sell Rocko's Modern Life & Ahh! Real Monsters shirts. I almost bought the Real Monsters shirt once, til a salesperson aggravated me right out of the store :p
Of course! One of my favorite cartoons of all time :)

Damn Hot Topic; they sell Rocko's Modern Life & Ahh! Real Monsters shirts. I almost bought the Real Monsters shirt once, til a salesperson aggravated me right out of the store :p

:kickass: I was at a Hot Topic establishment recently, I believe they also sell Doug and Ren & Stimpy shirts. Ah those were the good ol' days of Nickelodeon. Where did they go?
I didn't buy a thing. Almost did, but then the salesperson brought me back to the reality of what I was about to do. I should thank him!
weinerville was great, as well as all the other stuff mentioned.

I started watching the DVDs of Are You Afraid of the Dark a while ago, I couldn't believe how much stuff I still remember from it. The acting is horrible though and the 90s haircuts rule.