I shouldn't really hate old people because I look forward to the day I'm a bitter old man, shaking my cane at those whippersnappers on my lawn
The first one is still far more disturbing.

It was actually hilarious, in one of my art history courses we were looking at internet art, and we took a look at RIOT!, which whenever you refresh the page, comes up with a new design based on all this information from other websites, and my professor was always cautious of showing us things on the internet, he was ALWAYS paranoid that "porn" was going to pop up on the huge pull down screen in the front of the class.

And of COURSE, he opens RIOT! and on this enormous projection screen, LEMON PARTY is tiled, inflated, cropped, arranged all over, and his computer froze so it was STUCK there, so we were all cracking up, as he freaked out, instead of just unplugging the projector thing, he tried to fix the computer, the department head walked in, it was absolutely one of those movie moments.
But can you deny that the older people get, the more bat shit crazy they become?

I love and respect my grandma to death, but she's got some pretty interesting old person habits, including blatantly interupting the entire family's conversation to tell us the front door isn't locked.

I think a lot of elderly people reach a point where they just don't give a shit about anything anymore and do what they want.

see some people find that annoying, but i find it high-larious. my grandmother on my dad's side is an old mainer, think accent etc. she always complains about shit, but it's pretty damn funny she she does, then i got my grandfather on my mothers side who always swears (you would think becoming mormon would stop that) and he always finds some way to be offensive.
jen, ahahahha that is so amazing.

it reminds me of this one time in my high school psychology class, my teacher was talking about sexual perversions. this was on the same day that the school's power had gone out, so the principal was walking around from room to room to check on things.
teacher: "Humans are the only mammals that experiment with sex. It's not like horses say to each other" - principal walks in to the room "'Honey, let's try it with you on top tonight!'"
we stop look at the principal who just kinda shakes his head in amusement, look back at the teacher, and then fucking DIE.
There's a price with intelligence. I'm not sure I wouldn't be tempted to be a little stupider for peace of mind sometimes. It's hell being overly competent and seeing everyone else acting like Joe the Schmuck.

But, there's always alcohol. And this board, I guess. The ratio of retards to smart folk is a little better than the outside world. :Smug:
Oh, them. I think they are smarter then they let on, but find it more rewarding personally to act the fool and lower expectations. Unless you mean the crazy cat ladies, they are spawned from the cesspools of Satan's toilet.
Oh, them. I think they are smarter then they let on, but find it more rewarding personally to act the fool and lower expectations. Unless you mean the crazy cat ladies, they are spawned from the cesspools of Satan's toilet.

I mean those ladies who sit behind the window, looking outside, cursing everyone who walks by that they don't know. Also seeing old women looking through the window first if it's not a foreigner (and therefore of course a terrorist) who just rang the bell at the door gives my hand gentle nudges towards the kitchen knife
There's a price with intelligence. I'm not sure I wouldn't be tempted to be a little stupider for peace of mind sometimes. It's hell being overly competent and seeing everyone else acting like Joe the Schmuck.

But, there's always alcohol. And this board, I guess. The ratio of retards to smart folk is a little better than the outside world. :Smug:

Actually I'd say this board is retard-free, except when I go on my rants.
Yes but people here don't seem to be the type of people to go around causing scenes in public and embarrassing themselves and those around them.

At least it doesn't seem like they do it. I dunno...I've never hung out with them but I can't think of a single person on this board that I wouldn't want to have a beer with.
I certainly don't. I may act like a cunt on here, but I'm much more reserved and shy in real life.

Not that I'm not already stupid, at least compared to you folks, but I often wish I was more stupid so I would stop thinking all the time. Thinking is what gives me anxiety. I think black women like the one on the first video don't have consciousness, and run purely on instinct. Like...a normal person might see some commotion going on down the street and ponder what it is as they go to check it out. She would probably high tail it over there without making any calculations and witness the event, but not...absorb it? I dunno. I had this realization about dumb black people in elementary school but that wasn't a good example.