IT's my own opinion. I don't really believe you can compare the effects media has on people to that of drugs or alcohol as being the same. I suppose yes there are some shows with good substance. Such as shows on the History Channel or TLC or what have you, but too many people plan their lives around tv, "OMG I can't go to the park and get some exercise, American Idol is on"derek said:Not to be a bastard, but you do realise you've just taken a rather sheep-like view point of your own?
TV is no more a ruin than beer, drugs or rock 'n roll. The weak of mind will always be impressionable, that'll never end. PLUS, I quite like the state of television. Many great shows with substance and depth are shown each and every day.
On a side note: The adverts for this show over here involved Tommy Lee saying he did not like "packaged and processed crap"and no "pussy, wussy shit". If I'm the only one who sees the inherent hyprocrisy, nay blatant irony, in him saying this about the show then perhaps I should just shoot myself now![]()
I'm a lover not a fighter

As far as that statement made by Tommy Lee, I completely see the what you are saying. It's pretty funny actually.