Rocktron Xpression vs. Lexicon MX400


Sep 12, 2006
Well, i have Rocktron Xpression in my guitar rig now and i'm pretty satisfied with it except reverb.

I see some good deal to buy Lexicon MX400 and i think Lexicon is higher level processor.

Xpression is pretty noisy when it comes to using flanger, phaser fx, but it has analog out routing, that i like, as tone does not become such sterile and digital like G-major does...

I use mainly use chorus, delay, reverb fx, but also flanger, pitch shift and phaser.

Can you please tell me which one sounds better? Xpression or MX400? I heard that Lexicon reverbs are very nice, similar to Eventide, but not sure about modulation fx and compression... But also, it says that MX400 is giving stereo or dual stereo effects it's still good as i'm planning on having it as a part of my studio rig sometime too, but for now, i would be using it in my guitar rig, which is mono. How do you think it would sound in mono?