Rod Smallwood sucks.


Apr 14, 2001
In the latest issue of Outsider they interview Rod "YoullneverseeIronMaiden" Smallwood.

"Will Australian fans get a chance to see the band down under soon?"

"I personally love Australia, I lived down there for three months during the Fear Of The Dark Tour and im a big rugby and cricket fan. As far as touring goes, we havent made plans just yet".

If he says something about rugby one more time when someone asks him a question about Australia im going to shove a football up his ass then have every member of the MD board kick it. Hard.
Why would Rod live in Australia during a tour which lasted all of two shows? Or did they play for three months without me knowing?
I wish Halford would bring the tour they have in America to Australia, THAT would rule :worship:
I had a small wood when I saw this chick on the train. It would've been bigger, but she wasn't all that good looking really.
Mark said:
The first thing he ever said to me was "since you're in Australia, you must love rugby!"

Err... no, actually. :erk:

SO IT'S YOUR FAULT. If you had said, "Yes I do, and I can confirm that so does every single other person in Australia", they'd be here now!

You selfish bastard.