Rode NT-1A???


Jan 31, 2007
What do you guys think of the Rode NT-1A? I found a used one for a pretty good price but I've never tried one, so I don't know much about them....

General consensus is that they're on the harsh side of bright and hard to 'tame' for a lot of things... great to put on a hi-hat, if you're trying to blast the drummer's headphones with it and make him play them softer...

I used a nt1a to record vocals for my bands songs (see signature) and I can say that I'm quite satisfied. It's true that the high frequencies are a little harsh, I used eq to mellow it down a little.
I love it for acoustic guitars... that harshness on vox, drums, etc. translates to sparkle for something subtle like an acoustic guitar. Also, I've used it on speaker cabs and gotten pretty good results as long as I was liberal with HP and LP filtering.
I own one, and it's a pretty good mic. It doesn't have the depth of a REALLY good mic, meaning it is bright, and it tends to make the vocals sit on top of the mix as apposed to being part of the mix, or cut through the mix as I like to put it. I think it is an excellent mic for drum over heads if you can get 2 of them. Not so much for metal but for mellower types of music. I personally like to use it as a room mic to pick up the natural reverb of the room when I am recording drums. I would suggest that you also look into ADK mics, they are excellent for the money!