:::roll Call 10/29 S.f. Warfield:::

I'll be there.

And I have never even heard Children of Bodom, nor any of the others that will be there.
I'll explain.

It's lunchtime, and I'm sitting here at the computer, just bumming around. I get a knock on the door. So I go answer it, and who is it but my friend Brandon, a fellow metalhead. He's like, 'Hey, what are you doing tonight?' I say, 'Nothing.' He says, 'Well, there's a Children of Bodom/Fear Factory/Lamb of God/Throwdown concert tonight in San Fran, I've got a ride up there, and I've got an extra ticket. Wanna come?' I say, 'Yes.' So that's the story of how I'm going to a concert of a band I've never heard (although I've certainly heard (good) of them, CoB anyway). I figure it'll be fun, and I may gain a new band to like. \m/ This'll also be my first metal concert (although I don't suppose all the bands there are metal). So yay.

i'll be there, if you want to know who i am, i'm a big, 5 '11 14 year old with kinda long kinda short brown hair. cob are gunna be awesome, the warfield is really fucking nice.