Roll Call For Arizona Show


My soul got a crack
Sep 9, 2002
Phoenix AZ
Hey guys, who is all going to the Arizona show? I'll be the tall dude with long brown/red hair and the Death Symbolic shirt(good luck finding me heh). It would be cool to meet up with some of you.

Well anyways, I plan on interviewing Bodom, and I would like to know if any of you guys had any questions to be asked. Please jot them down, anything is welcomed. Thanks and see ya at the Venue of Scottsdale Formerly Known As Cajun House(ack).Ev
ill be there dude. ill be wearin my impaled nazarene shirt and ill be there all by myself cus i just moved here from california a few months ago so i dont know anybody here. but anyways ill see you there
Hi guys. I'll be there tomorrow too!

I've been a Bodom fan for a while now. I come here very often and read alot but never post.
Anyway, just wanted to say that I'll be there and can't wait! See ya there! Hopefully.
Hey! I will be there tomorrow as well! I am so psyched. I'll be the one with the old Iced Earth - Horror Show shirt on and although i am 18 i look like im 15 so yeah. Look for me. The show will rule and im takin pix.
i'll be there in my fuckin brown moccasins and a plain black shirt :\

i cant really think of anything so if you want, ask bodom what their fave american fast food rest is
what are some of your guys' names? cus if i recognize you(by what you said your gonna be wearing) and say whats up i dont wanna call you by your screen name. by the way my name is Fred
I'll be there. May wear an Opeth shirt, may wear a Death shirt? Who knows, but I'll be there.
I am Brandon. I'll be with a tall guy named Bob who is driving cuz I am not to familiar with this area since i dont officially live here till august. How early should we leave?
My name is Malory. I'm female. 17. black shirt. looong hair. No moccasins tho.
I don't know about you guys, but I'm leaving a little after school.
I live like a 100 miles away! or something like that. Hope I make it!

See ya there!
My name is Kevin, don't be shy to say hi. I'll be the tall guy with the Death shirt(Symbolic). My other friend will have a Sound of Persevarance shirt on, and another kid were going with has funny shoes and wears all black.
9, goddamn! I have a Hatebreeder, Follow The Reaper, Hatecrew, and Hate Me! shirts. Would'nt mind having a Something Wild or one with just scythes.