Roll Call: King Diamond at Center Stage

Ha ha Glenn. Did you change his avatar to the parrot kicked back on vacation? LOOOL. Nice touch dude.

That had to be him as he still has access to UM. For the record, that is pretty damn hilarious on his part. Bravo.

I honestly didn't have a problem with 90% of his posts. I didn't care if he disagreed with everyone or stuck up for all the grandpas with guitars. I simply had no tolerance for him being a dick the other 10% of the time any longer.
Did they build out the stage? King mentioned in an interview that the stage had to be extended for the Atlanta show. Interested in what that looked like...
Did they build out the stage? King mentioned in an interview that the stage had to be extended for the Atlanta show. Interested in what that looked like...
They did. I add 4 extra feet of extensions for the fest. King added 8 feet. With the rows taken out in the back, there was still plenty of room.

I think Jess and the Ancient Ones had about two feet of stage to work with in front of the closed curtain.

Damn that's an awesome stage! Kelly Elder if that pic doesn't get you to Big D I don't know what will! :devil:
How long was King D's set? 90 minutes?

Also, what do you mean by Let It Be Done being pre-recorded? Did they go off stage during that whole song or what? o_O

Yes, around 90 minutes sounds right. They did go off the stage and at that time the big iron fence was removed from the front of the stage.