Ronda Alla Turca Question?


New Metal Member
Apr 22, 2007
Steel City, PA
Hey Chris,
First off, I just wanna say that you are an amazing guitarist, you perfectly blend technique, speed, and melody together....I was blown away when I heard you playing the Ronda Alla Turca two hand tapped piece. I really wanna learn it, but when I go to Tutorials on your website and then click it to get the tabs, I keep getting a broken link. I don't know if Im doing something wrong, but if you could post it up or give me a link that would be great. Thanks man!
Thanks for the tabs guys. I have a question for you Chris, or anyone who can answer it. I learned both hands separately and can play them through no problem. However, when I go to play both hands at the same time I have trouble playing different tempos on each hand. Its like my hands can only play the same tempo (sorry if that doesn't make sense). Any advice or tips would be great. Until then, I am just going to keep practicing :headbang: