Ronnie James Dio is dead

I shed a tear :( ...
A pillar, if there was ever one in Rock'n Roll, is gone.

np. Rock and Roll Children. That song always had a special meaning ...
How is that we never heard of this, but this ill-bred congregation has? Just last night a co-worker was telling me how when he used to own a bookstore a gentleman would patron, sift through his collection of Gook porn mags for an hour, eventually picking out one to take home. This ritual was carried out for years, then one morning he hears a knock at his residence, only to see this same pervert alongside his wife soliciting in the name of Jehova. :lol:
I have first hand accounts and other tales of hassidic jews being the biggest pervert scumbags you ever want to meet.
now i have no problem with that, just don't be a hypocrite.
oh yeah, and surprised I haven't seen this old MOD ditty pop up anywhere yet

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