Room and OH processing


Nov 28, 2007
Hi me again :), how do u guys process these two elements? I know for metal they dont need to be very present (room mic,but it depends however) but they r needed little so the samples dont sound like samples :).Anyway i have very hard time to mix them,little volume of room mic sound good on soloed drums but it gets buried,little more drums sound horrible :),so if u could help me with some tips and info how do u process them,eq,compression saturation whatever u use.Thank you very much and sorry for my bad english :)
for me it's usually a trade-off between room am overhead mics. If i want more room mics, i have to pull back the overheads alittle, and vice-versa.

When i'm doing samples as the main sound of the drums, i high pass the overheads abit higher than i would otherwise. Anywhere from 400hz to 700hz, do what sounds right. On ocassion i will dip a high shelf down on the overheads or the room mics to balance the high freqs.