I tracked the drums for this E.P I was working on in a medium sized room with a very dry, dead sound. We were happy with the drums but the room mics weren't great. We'd access to an old unused church but unfortunately only after the drums were done. We were tracking church organ in there anyway so I figured I'd try "re-rooming" the drums. Play the drums out through a speaker and mic up the resulting room sound. Same as an old studio would use an echo chamber.
Here's the room on another session I did in there.
I used an Ev sx200 Pa speaker with a small powered mixer, it had basic EQ so I played with it for a few minutes to get a nice clear sound. I sent out of my Fireface mix of kick, snare and toms and used the unprocessed drums instead of gated, comped etc... to get a more natural room sound.
I miced it with a spaced pair of Oktava mc012s. Moved them around till I was happy.
I did it on an E.P I was working on last month so got the go ahead from the band to put some clips online. This was for a doom metal band from Limerick, Ireland called No Mans Land. ( Full E.P here http://nomanslandireland.bandcamp.com/album/the-last-monolith-e-p)
Drums with no room mic https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1547445/Reddit/Drum Room Clips/Drum Room no room.wav
Drums with original room mic
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1547445/Reddit/Drum Room Clips/Drum Room Original .wav
Drums with re roomed track.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1547445/Reddit/Drum Room Clips/Drum Room church.wav
Original room mic solo'd
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1547445/Reddit/Drum Room Clips/Drum Room only original.wav
Re roomed mic solo'd
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1547445/Reddit/Drum Room Clips/Drum Room only church .wav
Here's the room on another session I did in there.

I used an Ev sx200 Pa speaker with a small powered mixer, it had basic EQ so I played with it for a few minutes to get a nice clear sound. I sent out of my Fireface mix of kick, snare and toms and used the unprocessed drums instead of gated, comped etc... to get a more natural room sound.
I miced it with a spaced pair of Oktava mc012s. Moved them around till I was happy.
I did it on an E.P I was working on last month so got the go ahead from the band to put some clips online. This was for a doom metal band from Limerick, Ireland called No Mans Land. ( Full E.P here http://nomanslandireland.bandcamp.com/album/the-last-monolith-e-p)
Drums with no room mic https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1547445/Reddit/Drum Room Clips/Drum Room no room.wav
Drums with original room mic
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1547445/Reddit/Drum Room Clips/Drum Room Original .wav
Drums with re roomed track.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1547445/Reddit/Drum Room Clips/Drum Room church.wav
Original room mic solo'd
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1547445/Reddit/Drum Room Clips/Drum Room only original.wav
Re roomed mic solo'd
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/1547445/Reddit/Drum Room Clips/Drum Room only church .wav