Room rearrangement for better acoustics...


Alas, Tyranny
Nov 15, 2006
Athens, GA
I know this is like the 20th thread I've posted about getting my acoustics in order, but what the hell! :lol: I think its a valid question to ask..

Currently my room is arranged like this:


and I am considering changing it to look like this:


Pictures of my room: (excuse the mess! in the middle of cleaning it all)







Here is my reasoning: Where the speakers are now, the two walls or first reflection points are very different (one is(?) a door leading into the washer/dryer room, the other is much further away located over my bed). Also the corners aren't really accessible/easy to put bass traps in. If I moved the things to the new position, the first reflection points would both be closer/more symmetrical and the corners would be easier to put bass traps in, making the treatment process a good bit easier I think.

Of course, I may be entirely wrong, which is why I ask you! Any insight?

You're so lucky to have a room that size. I dont have enough space even to pull my desk 2 feet from the wall.
I'd kill to have a room that big. I'm stuck in a little 9x9 foot box of crap:erk:

I can see your monitors sitting on what appear to be speakers.
Get those monitors decoupled using some monitor stands
Don't put your speakers in that alcove where your bed is. Where the speakers are now will be way better for the low end. I had my desk in an alcove shaped exactly the same (no-where near as wide, my room's pretty teeny tiny haha) and the low end was like WOOOOOOFFFFFFFFFFEDJFKHSDKHGKJSDGHSDJKGSD and since I moved them out from there it's much tighter and cleaner.