
Old School since '86
Oct 26, 2003
Yep saw it last night at midnight and man its one full on dark film.

Def not for little kids ... go see it and make your own mind up.

I enjoyed it and seriously its 10 times darker than Empire ever was. Palpatine is such an evil bastard and Anakins turn is absolutely jaw dropping stuff at times. Just what he does left me pretty shocked at times.

Going to see it again tonight. :headbang:
Im seeing it next weekend
that and Hitchikers Guide ( read the book, its to damn funny) I actually started with the introduction and didnt stop laughing till the middle of the fifth chapter

( funny they all have come out around my birthday any of the star wars did)
I guess I have to wait until tomorrow.:erk:
I was gonna see it tonight, but my friend cancelled. He has failed me for the last time.
What would you rate RotS on a scale of 1 to 10??
Just got back from seeing it and it is absolutely amazing. I rate it just behind A New Hope as my third fave of the flick, with Empire being my fave. Really really dark movie, everything after Anakin's turn is way darker than anything before in the Star Wars universe. I am going to see it again tomorrow after my softball game so I might be a little drunk.
I'm seeing it this Saturday, before I got to the footy that night. The cinema is across the road from the football stadium.

EIII sounds pretty damn good from what I have heard/read !!!!
Watched it last night. I didn't like it. I would rate it at probably a 5 or 6. Just couldn't get into the movie. Kept trying to, but kept getting denied. My cousin liked it, he loved it actually and thought it was one of the best. My buddy that went also thought like I did.
Oh yeah, I saw it this morning at midnite....and HOLY SHIT was it good...the best one of the new trilogy IMO..extrememly dark, no Jar Jar Binks talk, and not much of corny lines in the love scenes..Obi Wan's and Anakin's duel was emotional and powerful too...just watching his fall into the dark side, I was in awe! Definately seeing it again this weekend.
It is awesome! Way better than Episode I (of course) and a lot better than Episode II.
I'll definitely be seeing it again this weekend. I'd rate it a 9 out of 10.
aliasp said:
Def not for little kids ...

Yea, becaues they have to go to the bathroom too much. I took my 10 and 6 year old and they really liked it too. I plan to go see it again by myself just to see what I missed. It probibly wasn't too important but it gives me an excuse to go back.:headbang: The way I see it is that yes it's dark but there is a lot of swearing or any blood speak of. Much better than them seeing the blade trilogy which they have already seen.
Dragons_Kin said:
Yea, becaues they have to go to the bathroom too much. I took my 10 and 6 year old and they really liked it too. I plan to go see it again by myself just to see what I missed. It probibly wasn't too important but it gives me an excuse to go back.:headbang: The way I see it is that yes it's dark but there is a lot of swearing or any blood speak of. Much better than them seeing the blade trilogy which they have already seen.

yer whats with all kids having to go for a pee like 5 mins from the end of every film!!!!
Great movie, the beginning was little longer than I would have liked, but then again I was waiting for the fall.

Second fav SW movie, just behind Empire