Rotten Sound - Exit


Forest: Sold Out
Jul 5, 2003
Rotten Sound – Exit
Willowtip Records – WT-034 – February 17th, 2005
By Jason Jordan


Willowtip Records is quickly becoming the latest incarnation of The End Records. In other words, everything the label releases just oozes with quality not unlike Rotten Sound’s Exit. The aforementioned grind record is astounding. Furthermore, I’m fully convinced that I should sift through their back catalog as well.

As grind tradition prescribes, Rotten Sound are frantic, furious, and fast. Hahto’s incredible drumming is noteworthy as are certain magnificent moments like the 1:20 minute mark in “Burden.” The production has a real crunch to it, and there’s a disabling heaviness that emanates from Exit. Mostly, the group traipses along from song to song, all the while presenting innovative fills, rhythms, and structures. The tempo differentiation – when used – is excellent, and I found myself desiring much more than the twenty-eight minutes that is Rotten Sound’s latest. The band rarely trudge, but examples such as “Slay” and “The Weak” confirm what one would think prior to hearing them: the band is just as uncompromising slow as they are fast. Sloths the quartet are not.

So, if you consider yourself a grind aficionado, then Exit should fit snugly into your collection. In my horde, Rotten Sound will be sitting proudly next to acts like Japanische Kampfhorspiele and Pig Destroyer. Well, not literally because I keep my CD’s organized alphabetically, but you get the point.


Official Rotten Sound website
Official Willowtip Records website