
Katatonia&Hypocrisy Fan
Sep 4, 2005
Anybody heard this 'shit' ? :kickass: Fucking awesome...I don't have any words to describe it...right know i think 'Sanctus Diavolos' was little better but I've listened to new album only 2 times by know,and I'll have to give it ( many ) more spins....Right know,my favorites are: Nemecic,Enuma Elish( you can hear or download the sample on ),The Sign Of Prime Creation...but all are more then great....givi it a try :headbang:
It's pretty ok, not more.. I wish they sounded like they did on Khronos, A dead poem, triarchy etc, that was 1st class melodic bm!
I´ve just listened "Keravnos kivernitos" and "Enuma elish", both are pretty good.
"Keravnos..." got the special guitar sound, the Rotting Christ trademark.
"Enuma elish" has an interesting "oriental" atmosphere.

I think ""Thegonia" will be a good album (according to those songs) like everyone they have done since "Khronos" (maybe "Genesis" a little weaker). However, they´ll never beat their masterpiece "Triarchy of the lost lovers", a "must have" in every metal collection in my opinion. Then came the good "A dead poem" and the "what were they thinking?" "Sleep of the angels" when they played to be gothic and it was dissapointing.

A very good band and I´ll buy the new one too.
saw 'em live opening for vader. didn't do much for me. haven't heard any studio material though

Curious. I got their DVD "In domine sathana" and Rotting Christ performances are ultraboring in my opinion. When I saw them opening for Vader I expected nothing and it was a very good gig here in Madrid. Well chosen set list (a kind of "best of"), packed venue,... pretty nice show.

Stephan check "king of stellar war" link that doom_death recommended you. Superb song!!
okay. I will check it, can't right now though. people are about to come here and stuff.

I didn't really pay very much attention to RC that time though, I banged a bit to Lost Soul then socialized outside. I only checked the other two bands for a short time.
is this band still around?
i remember the "corpse paint" days when we worshipped their demo/ep in 1989... also liked their album, i think it came out 1992.
lost track after that... they were the masters of all palm-mute melodic riffs, what r they now?
is this band still around?
i remember the "corpse paint" days when we worshipped their demo/ep in 1989... also liked their album, i think it came out 1992.
lost track after that... they were the masters of all palm-mute melodic riffs, what r they now?

I guess you´re referring to "Satanas tedeum" demo and "Passage to arcturo" EP, classic items. Since them, they changed and evolved a lot but always they have keep two trademarks:
1. Quality releases (one exception in my opinion: "Sleep of the angels" where they embraced too much the gothic metal path and failed on it)

2. Personal guitar sound and melodies in the "traditional greek" way.

If you liked their riffs I guess if you check them nowadays, albums like "Triarchy of the lost lovers", "Khronos" or "Sanctus diavolus" (their most "back to the roots" release) can like you too.
they are Greecs...They are quite famous at the metal talks here...But to be honest they are really good but not my type ...their singer name is funny :D his name is Sakis hhaha
we have a pop star here whose name is Sakis and all his female bands scream when they see him Sakiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.This happened in a rotting christ gig at the frond row :D:D this was really really funny
i think sanctus diavolos was a really bad album compared to its back catalog...must hear this..... even sleep of the angels was better for me..

bottoms up!!
they are Greecs...They are quite famous at the metal talks here...But to be honest they are really good but not my type ...their singer name is funny :D his name is Sakis hhaha
we have a pop star here whose name is Sakis and all his female bands scream when they see him Sakiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.This happened in a rotting christ gig at the frond row :D:D this was really really funny

is that sakis the one who was on the eurovision contest some years ago ? rotting christ sakis's real name is not sakis by the way. it is athenoisis or something like that in real (which is hard to remember, hard to spell for me:ill: ).