rough clip of my band (first Song), Bogner+Savage

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
we're finally rehearsing again and have a couple of songs written (new lineup etc)...
unfortunately I don't have the time to record my own stuff, so the recordings were pretty rushed and are not perfect....but tbh I don't really mind, I knida dig the raw feel it gave the song.

this band/lineup is really weird/versatile I'd and the other guitarists are into In Flames, Soilwork, Machinehead etc...
the drummer is quite a bit younger and likes Despised Icon, White CHapel and even AA!...
the singer is yet even younger and does everything from radiopop to core-ish stuff....
bassplayer is the oldest and into everything from protest the hero to kyuss....

anyway, here's the first roughmix of the first song...


not finished yet and some keys will be added (just some pads etc), I'll also adjust some things here and there, but I don't intend to polish it much further, cause as I said, I kinda like the rawness....

I know, 90% of you will hate the drums (esp. snare)...but I was going for something different...Morgan is probably gonna like it, lol

tell me what you think about song, mix, overal feel...
as I said, I know that the playing ain't flawless, it's just a rushed myspace-single so we can upload at least SOMETHING.

(I know it's crackling quite a bit, it's not a final master though)
I know, 90% of you will hate the drums (esp. snare)...but I was going for something different...Morgan is probably gonna like it, lol


I love the drums. Any chance of samples? Kick and snare sound amazing.

Only thing I could say is that the guitars, especially in the intro sound kinda cold. All of the guitars I've heard from you have been REALLY warm, sometimes a bit muddy, but never like this. Did youdo something different? Or just a different combo of amps to usual? Either way I think they need more lowmids or something, I'm not sure.
the other guitarist wanted a bit less definition/more rawness int he guitars than usual and I wanted them a bit more scooped than usual...I think it's the combination of those things that give it a really untypical sound this time....and I actually like it...that's the good thing about mixing the own stuff, finally room to experiment ;)

not sure if I recorded samples of the drums (as I said, rushed session), but I can perhaps export the solo'd snare and kick track so you can cut them yourself.
dunno why you say the drums should be hated, they're awesome :D i would also love to try out some samples^^
after listening to the whole song i think also the guitars fit very well. and the song is kickin \m/
i lllike ;)
Guess I'll be the first one to not like the snare, then :) I don't really dig the kick either (not much meat just click). The songs is very cool though, and so is the guitar tone. :headbang:
the rhythm gutar is 2 tracks of Überschall and 2 tracks of savage (quite a bit lower in the mix).
the harmonies in the verse and chorus parts (gonna raise those) are 6505, as well as the tapping bit.
the sweeping harmonies are überschall, the solo in the end is engl
Like very much guitars and sounding in general, except when clean vocals and screams are together, too modern an NU for my taste.
A good and clean heavy metal traditional singer would suit better.
Really good song! Overall great guitars. I especially like the harmony guitars and the solos. The drums are great! Mix is 9/10. I would like a bit more depth and warmth in it, without loosing the aggressiveness.

sounds like the snare is blended with the snare fom in flames' Reroute to remain :)

I tend to not use outside samples (at least not conciously), usually prefer making my own samples.
In this case I blended an old sample in that I found on my HD, dunno what exactly that was.
is that in flames sample multi layered? the beginning of the track "Minus" there is one single snare hit. i guess it's is from there...i sampled it too and use it for some blending

schöne Grüße ausm Pott :)