rough Rock/Metal (H&K Coreblade, real Drums)... too dark?

Listening on my monitors at the moment.

I think it sounds great. Really nice tone. I personally think the guitars are fine, but perhaps a tad, just a tad, bit brighter. They have a great body to them, very full.

I'd like to hear more 'thud' and less click in the kick though. That's just me.

Great job!

since when do you have the coreblade?

really liked the vox, cool band, who is it?

Guitars sound too "creamy" for this style for my taste...would like WAY less gain and a bit more grainy/dirty sound...with a bit of a Marshall-meets-mesa Sound perhaps..Marshall 1960v would be perfect for that....definitely less gain though.

edit: Ah, gerade gelesen, Domain Of Decay...die wollte im Sommer eigentlich kommen, hatten dann aber Probleme mit einem der Mitglieder.
Aber echt cooler Sänger und Song.
It's the bands, not mine. I wanted to try something besides my 5150 and Krank. I'm not going to buy a new amp until I get a dual rec for a reasonable price :)
Tell the drummer there's more than one cymbal :lol:
He plays it the whole fucking song, even always the same rhythm.
Super annoying.. In fact I can't remember any other cymbal being used, or am I deaf?

Other than that, really nice production.
I agree on the kick being too loud / clicky sometimes.
Guitars sound too "creamy" for this style for my taste...would like WAY less gain and a bit more grainy/dirty sound...with a bit of a Marshall-meets-mesa Sound perhaps..Marshall 1960v would be perfect for that....definitely less gain though.

edit: Ah, gerade gelesen, Domain Of Decay...die wollte im Sommer eigentlich kommen, hatten dann aber Probleme mit einem der Mitglieder.
Aber echt cooler Sänger und Song.

The other songs are way more metal. Maybe I'm going to reamp though.

Ja der Sänger ist echt gut. Wenig bis gar kein auto tune!
.....I'm not going to buy a new amp until I get a dual rec for a reasonable price :)

might happen sooner than you think...I'm not promising anything again though, lol.
man, but just to show you why it's so hard for me to say goodbye to this's a Pic:


and it's the old one with the Schumacher trannies, so it's just not easy for me man...
but eventually I'll have to sell it to finance my (Andy's) desk.
Tell the drummer there's more than one cymbal :lol:
He plays it the whole fucking song, even always the same rhythm.
Super annoying.. In fact I can't remember any other cymbal being used, or am I deaf?

Other than that, really nice production.
I agree on the kick being too loud / clicky sometimes.

I did. Haha. Really!

might happen sooner than you think...I'm not promising anything again though, lol.
man, but just to show you why it's so hard for me to say goodbye to this's a Pic:


and it's the old one with the Schumacher trannies, so it's just not easy for me man...
but eventually I'll have to sell it to finance my (Andy's) desk.


Dude, why do you do this to me. :D I really want that fucking thing!!! SO BAD. Whenever you need that money... I still got it. It's reserved. DO IT GOD DAMN IT :D
it's a beatiful beast, innit?
yes, I will do it...just can't tell you when...I try to keep it as long as possibile, cause it'll make me cry to sell it ;)
but yeah, I still have to pay for Andys it'll have to go some time.
you've got first dibs of course...sorry I blueballed you last time
no problem at all, really. I know about selling stuff you have, but don't want to sell. Can't wait though and this meet up has finally to happen. We're living in the same fucking federal state... can't be that hard :D
WHAAA why did you have to mention that cymbal thing jipchen? fucks my brain :lol:
apart from that it's a nice song though
guitars are bit dark indeed, but not too much. would be nice if they would be brighter, then they'd cover that fucking cymbal. goddamn.
Would also be cool if they'd sound a bit more open
kick is cool, but could be lower in the mix

Isn't that your fav recto lasse? and do I spot a Müller in the background? :D
how do more open guitar :lol:
for me it sounds like you HP/LP a bit too narrow...but I've never played a Coreblade, so maybe it's just the way the amp sounds^^
so maybe a bit more live in the high end without adding too much fizz would least I'd try that :)
but don't take everything I say too seriously Olli, I don't know the mix in the end

lol so maybe it was my favorite recto out of your rectos ;)
is that the müller mustang?
yeah, the Coreblade has some fizz that you can't dial out on the amp...all JJ preamp tubes and 6L6 powertubes help (stock it comes with all chinese and el34 in the poweramp), but I understand what Olli had to fight with.
good amp, but that's a bit of a weak point I think.
Yep, it's the Mustang