Roundtrip to Hell and Back video

Why they maked the Video so unprofessional? I mean come on, look at the Solo and see what Alexi is playin in the live gig...Just some Live-Footage and put RTHAB over it ohh yes and the Snakes and Bugs and there we go u got this video...

Imo...the could do it MUCH better.

The video editor probably thought Henkka is playing the guitar solo with his bass.
My guess is they didn't want to spend too much money on a music video when it won't be played that much anyways.

I like live video more than "music videos" I din't mind this, although I do wish they would sync the music to what they are playing better.
This doesn't even look like an actual music video, but some weird fan video. Totally forgettable and just plain pointless, looks like for some reason they had to do a music video, and decided to use as little money as possible.
This doesn't even look like an actual music video, but some weird fan video. Totally forgettable and just plain pointless, looks like for some reason they had to do a music video, and decided to use as little money as possible.

Yeah, it looks like a fan video. The shots are professional, but everything else sucks. It's like someone putd all those clips together and bam. What's up with the animals in the middle of nowhere? Makes no sense to me.
The video is ok but nothing more.

They should do something like this:

Best music video of a metal band I've ever seen

what an amazing video. it just connected the song so well, great backsound for the video which is so dramatic and has a great atmosphere. i really felt the thing.

thats what i really think music videos should be. they should extend the idea of the song, if its a sad song having something like this makes us feel the song much more deeper and instead of the song be just good, gets awsome.

geting just a random video like the new cob its just meaningless and the song having music video or not its almost the same thing
I think this is one of the best rock/metal MVs ever made:

Though the one Arcane posted is pretty cool, too.

As for live videos, well, there's only a handful of bands who are able to put on a true, great live show, so everyone else's live videos look pretty bland in comparison.
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Yes,yes it does Necro. What happened to all the hot chicks in rock/metal videos? Just cause the 80's are over doesn't mean we don't like a little T&A in a video.

You been on a Crue kick? You posted the Crue pic in the other thread.
Yeah :p I've been listening to a shitload of glam/sleaze-stuff lately, almost as much as old school swedish black metal :lol:

2 of the greatest genres of music ever right there.

Also 2 of the most hated genres in music.

I am just waiting for the day glam metal becomes the cool thing again and everyone starts doing that whole scene again.
Still plenty of tits in metal MVs if you know where to look. Mainstream PG-13 bands don't have them, but the ones who don't give a fuck do.

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I for one think this video is awesome. Its very simple and really well shot. I agree with the stupid bug stuff but ive gotten used to the stupid stuff in these videos.

Why they maked the Video so unprofessional? I mean come on, look at the Solo and see what Alexi is playin in the live gig...Just some Live-Footage and put RTHAB over it ohh yes and the Snakes and Bugs and there we go u got this video...

Imo...the could do it MUCH better.

They synched up this song amazingly down to the drums and the riffs I dont know what you're seeing. The solo is way off because Alexi doesnt play that solo anywhere CLOSE to how it is on the album, sucks because its such a good solo but we know Alexi.
I for one think this video is awesome. Its very simple and really well shot. I agree with the stupid bug stuff but ive gotten used to the stupid stuff in these videos.

If you agree, that the bug-shit is pretty stupid, then how is this video awesome then? :p Apart from that, it's just random live-footage and that's it. Doesn't look much like a music video to me.

Still plenty of tits in metal MVs if you know where to look. Mainstream PG-13 bands don't have them, but the ones who don't give a fuck do.

That's true, but I don't mean just the tits; 90% of rap-videos have half-dressed women, but they still suck. I mean, Girls, Girls, Girls video is like the epitome of manliness; motorcycles, ultra-cool rockstars, rednecks wetting their pants, chicks, Mick Mars playing guitar solo in women's dressing room etc. They just don't make videos like that anymore :(

I am just waiting for the day glam metal becomes the cool thing again and everyone starts doing that whole scene again.

Luckily there's been some great sleaze-revival happening in Sweden recently. For the last few years a lot of great bands has risen from there, like Crashdïet, Crazy Lixx, Vains of Jenna, Hardcore Superstar and Bullet among others.
Luckily there's been some great sleaze-revival happening in Sweden recently. For the last few years a lot of great bands has risen from there, like Crashdïet, Crazy Lixx, Vains of Jenna, Hardcore Superstar and Bullet among others.

I checked out Crashdiet and Vains of Jenna. They were pretty good. Got that 80's metal thing going on. I liked them.

You should check out Lizzy Borden sometime. They are an American glam/trash/shock band from the 80's and they are still going strong today.

One of my favs....a little ballady but its awesome none the less.

This is an older one, but really shows how the live show was.....FUCKING AWESOME!!
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I liked the video for Was it Worth it? much more, Mainly because the bugs and the snake freaked me the fuck out :(
You should check out Lizzy Borden sometime. They are an American glam/trash/shock band from the 80's and they are still going strong today.

One of my favs....a little ballady but its awesome none the less.

This is an older one, but really shows how the live show was.....FUCKING AWESOME!!

I've heard the name before, but never checked the band. Sounds pretty cool with an amazing vocalist. Also, that live show is what glam is about, hah!