routines and rituals


original rude boy
Nov 7, 2003
what are the routines and rituals in your life...they can be shit shower and shave, neurotic tendencies like switching the light on and off and then back on again, or religious rituals...i dont know whatever.
im supposed to explore the terms...for yet another project ...:err:
Argh, Strawberry, I just couldn't use it :/ Cherry is fine though, but it seems I mostly prefer Rose.

I got a jersey, that's my sleeping companion :) so when I travel, I have to take it with me, otherwise I sleep badly.
DragonLady1 said:
I prefer to walk to work in the morning then take the bus, its just to clear my mind, get awake etc... I love that walking in the morning, these 20 minutes, no matter how the weather is... :)
walking is ace like. it calms me down. i walk around the centre of the city at least 3-4 times a week.
my routines only happen at the weekends. stay at dads on firday night, go to work on saturday morning do the same routine in work and then go home and do the same thinig the next day and for the three months that i have worked there i have sat on the same velvet couch and ate the same thing for my dinner everyday i have worked !!

theres a huge comfort in routine and habbit. at work is the only place i can have it because im never too sure where i will be during the week - but the unpredictablity ends for the weekend. it really helps me to appreciate the craziness of the week though!
i only have a slight morning routine: wake up > toilet > turn on water boiler in bath > go back to bed for 15 minutes > get up > brush teeth > shower > ready to go

not to mention the numerous computer routines, like checking some sites once per day etc
Morning ritual: slurping my muesli in front of the telly (I can't go without a decent breakfast). Afternoon ritual: my personal little tea ceremony, helps me to relax after a stressful day at university. Occasional late night ritual: in winter - a hot bath (with either a good book in my hand or flickering candles around me), in summer - a cycle tour through the dark and calm streets of the city. I like to be by myself sometimes... :)
everyday when i go to school i violate the speed limit by something like 40-50 km/h. i should have lost my driving license and be put to jail if this country cared even a bit...
Private Function First_Routine_of_the_day ()

With Alarm clock ringing

If isnottooearly(.value) then
If mood(.value) > 0 and .Value < 100 then
Turn on computer
15x push-up
check mails
If Nusspli(.value) <= 0 goto Fuckoff:
Exit function
Fuckoff: Msgbox "Oh my god. Return to bed." , vbcritical, "Schwerer
Exit function
End if
End if

Msgbox "Too early and to tired. Get some additional sleep." ,
vbcritcal, "Schwerer Ausnahmefehler"

End With
toolsofthetrade said:
so its yer mums car which you speed with?
if its like 50 miles on top, and the car's 11 yrs old, it might be falling apart by now, innit? :)
yeah, sort of. you can say i have near death experiences daily judging by the car's condition. :D
sol83 said:
yeah, sort of. you can say i have near death experiences daily judging by the car's condition. :D
11 years isn´t that much... Well cars in greek are somehow different. You don´t have Technical Inspection Agency in Greece...? ehhhhh...

My car is 13 years now and it isn´t a threat for anyone...