routines and rituals

That's good for you, I'd like to have a job that conforms to my owl-rhythm. But my boss wouldn't stop bugging me for starting work too late (he ignores the fact that I work at night).
Ha, my summer job boss woke me up today, making sure I'd work for him again this summer, so now I'll get back to the ritual of him calling me every other day off, to ask me to go to work, haha.
Dhatura said:
That's good for you, I'd like to have a job that conforms to my owl-rhythm. But my boss wouldn't stop bugging me for starting work too late (he ignores the fact that I work at night).
I don't work... i'm still a student, so I can afford to miss the morning classes.:cool:

And I guess that's why I am still a student... :err:
when I try to wake in the morning, if I'm not up in an instant my mother starts to shout and goes mental, most mornings now it seems. So I wake hearing a really vicious shout of 'ARE YOU UP!?' and I reply with 'SHUT UP'.