Routing Logic to Skype with Soundflower !HELP!


Dec 26, 2011
Hi Guys!

Im looking to record some vocals at home. My computer, interface and monitors are all setup in one room but i have to record the vocals in a closet outside the room (metal vocals, too loud for neighbours). I have a long mic cable so i can still record straight into Logic but i do not have a set of headphones with a long enough wire so the vocalist can hear the song while recording.

First i downloaded an iPad app called AirFoil which works very easily but there is too much latency for the vocalist to record and monitor effectively.

I have downloaded some software called Soundflower, which can route the sound from logic into Skype so i can have skype set up in the closet on my iPad.

Could anyone give me a tutorial on how to set up soundflower to make this work? I have hunted online but can not get this to work.

Are there any other ways people set up remote monitoring for logic?


my gear is:

mac mini
focusrite saffire pro 24 dsp
Logic Express 9
Ipad 3
Haha thanks guys, I totally didn't even think of something that simple! I even have an extension now you've mentioned it! Thanks for the help!!