Roxy is here!


QV Bassist
Nov 28, 2006
40 West Studio

Couldn't help myself...Popping my head in the door to say hello to all QV fans, present and future, and start off my posts in style :cool:

*********************OPEN AUDITIONS***********************
******************FOR ROXY'S SIGNATURE*********************
Hey guys! Thanks for such a warm welcome! Stuff's good, I am fo' shizzle going to play on the next record, and pick up your jaw Systematic:D You're gonna hurt yourself.
heya Ms Roxy! good to c ur here too!

ye know one time my friend said QV's keyboardist was a guy. I wasnt sure then..but i did rmmbr hearing about or having seen a person with ponytails. And so my friend goes "ahh yes. its NOT HARD to find a guy with ponytails these days."

even after watching a short sample clip off Defiant Indoctrination..he begged to differ for some reason, saying u were a guy..til he watched the DVD ofcourse.
Hmm Roxanne has a good photo on the album. By the way, she is an incredible musician and the band is very lucky to work with her when she's available. Welcome to the forum Rox!
Bonjour à toi :D

Et bienvenue chénous!! On espère d'en avouère bien plus qu'un gars du Québec *clin-clin* Si t'as des amis qui aiment le groupe, amène-les par ici pour qu'on les rencontre eux autres aussi.
And JORGEN!!! Yo man, where have you been hiding??!??!?Sup? YOu should visit us or something when Bart gets back from tour.
It's been so long...
I'd love to visit you guys, not sure when, depends when we're gonna get a chance to go over to Montreal...
nothing new over here, still trying to get used to all the tightass Torontonians :erk:
By the way, you should check out the new Pain of Salvation...
new Machine Head too ( I know, they're commercial, but the new CD kills, I'm surprised I like it! The production sounds HUGE! )
Anyways, what's Bart doing about releasing new material? Are you guys gonna play over here any time soon?
Keep in touch! ( I'm on msn once a while...)