Royal Carnage Top 10 of 2004

Somberlain said:
I live in New Zealand.

I had the album on mp3 in November of last year.

EDIT: It was re-released by Candlelight in 2004. This is also the copy of the album I have, but it was originally released in 2003.

He's right. And technically, the re-release doesn't count as a completely seperate release, because the sound isn't changed at all, I don't think.
Erik said:
Technically, it doesn't perhaps, but in practice, Royal Carnage is a USA-based webzine (Swedish me being the only euronigger on the team) so it's US releasedates (if applicable) that count. For example, you may note that Papa Josh has Marduk "Plague Angel" as a "most anticipated release for 2005," despite the fact that it's been released already in Europe.
Yeah, I wasn't sure about that one. I've been listening to a burned copy for some time...
genocide roach said:
Product Details
Audio CD (June 1, 2004)
Label: Candlelight
ASIN: B00020Q37C
Average Customer Review: Based on 2 reviews. Write a review. Sales Rank in Music: #42,026

it may be the case that it was released in your country before it was in the US. but your location doesnt say where youre really from, so i cant tell


That is a rerelease. The album was originally released by Appease Me in 2003.