Royal Rumble


Master Exploder
Ok, so I'm a big WWE fan, and my favourite WWE event for the year is the Royal Rumble, which we won't be getting on Main Event this year, so I'm wondering if anyone will be getting it, or knows of any way that I can get my hands on it, without having to wait till it gets released on video and DVD. I've just found out that it will be shown on 'Sky TV' in New Zealand, and is shown in pretty much any other country besides here. So if anyone knows anyone over seas who might be able to get a copy for myself I will gladly pay them for their services. :)
You could watch the netcast on No idea what the quality will be like though. :(

I'm finally getting back into WWE programming after the extremely dodgy last couple of months. Raw will probably disappear from our screens this year once the contract runs out, so I'll try and enjoy it as much as possible this year.
Yeah I know, and it was just starting to get good again and then this happens. I don't mind missing SmackDown! as it isn't that great at the moment, and most of my favourites (bar a few) are on RAW anyway, and the shows a so seperate now that you can watch one without watching the other, but missing out on PPV's and if we eventually lose RAW, will just f'n suck!

Damn WWE and Austar, get your shit sorted out! :mad:
Dunno if I can be bothered making it to Melbourne each month. :)

Haupy, the "if you're not interested in something then don't post in a thread about it" rule applies everywhere, you know. :)
Spiff there has to be at least one pub in Brisbane that has wrestling on pay per view

My Local here has it, and all the boxing pay per views to, Boxing is fun.