Lies and Perfidy Gentleman of the Road Nov 27, 2002 9,312 103 63 38 Washington, Washing-Ton May 1, 2003 #22 Penguins would suck at soccer.
PlatypusJesus A Dead Sun Serenity Aug 24, 2002 9,182 72 48 38 Visit site May 1, 2003 #23 This whole thread is quite amusing. Oh, and track kicks everyone's ass. Get off of your lazy asses and start running! Now! Now damn it!
This whole thread is quite amusing. Oh, and track kicks everyone's ass. Get off of your lazy asses and start running! Now! Now damn it!
M mReEtTaIlRsEkD New Metal Member Oct 4, 2002 14,966 94 0 May 1, 2003 #24 i cant run, but I can wobble at a whopping 4 m/p/h
/Z/ Always Importing Oct 12, 2002 494 3 18 43 San Francisco, CA Visit site May 1, 2003 #26 I can't tell whether people here took the comments personally or just felt like giving a different response.
I can't tell whether people here took the comments personally or just felt like giving a different response.
Chuut-Riit Son of German Quarkness Nov 30, 2002 1,028 2 38 40 Ka'ashi (Alpha Centauri) Visit site May 2, 2003 #27 hehe..this is a really funny thread About the Rules: They sound quite reasonable to me, but I haven't had any relationships yet, so far I can not say anything.
hehe..this is a really funny thread About the Rules: They sound quite reasonable to me, but I haven't had any relationships yet, so far I can not say anything.
neal wizard in black Dec 17, 2001 23,386 120 63 california Visit site May 2, 2003 #28 hey monkey man, i assumed that this was written by an american, and was refering to american football. -neal
hey monkey man, i assumed that this was written by an american, and was refering to american football. -neal
Ihreil Junkenstein Bad Blood Feb 20, 2003 1,876 12 38 39 Manchester. England May 3, 2003 #30 I think you forget the amazingness of THE JAVELIN. Throwing a big pointed stick. Can't beat it.
E En Vind Av Sorg Member Dec 5, 2002 6,083 8 38 37 Dallas May 3, 2003 #31 Or THE SHOTPUT. I can imagine it would hurt just as much as a javelin when struck on the head with one.
Or THE SHOTPUT. I can imagine it would hurt just as much as a javelin when struck on the head with one.
M mReEtTaIlRsEkD New Metal Member Oct 4, 2002 14,966 94 0 May 3, 2003 #32 yes, but would it go THROUGH the head That is the question! NO I WILL NOT BE THE TEST SUBJECT
Ihreil Junkenstein Bad Blood Feb 20, 2003 1,876 12 38 39 Manchester. England May 3, 2003 #33 You think you have a choice?
Iris Multis Periculis Supersum Aug 31, 2001 2,867 79 48 α Piscium May 3, 2003 #34 Theres always a choice! -x- Iris